Rant: may offend: NHS and Proton therapy BBC 2 - you have been warned.

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that's the programme


at least we now have Proton in the UK, despite being months late and millions over budget, despite news reports saying it was delivered on time and on budget? 


what a terrible programme !!!  shocking that they attempted to build tension and drama around the life of a young boy with a brain tumour? if there was any doubt they could have applied for funding to send him to Switzerland which is, I believe, the partner provider to the UK??

The staff at the Christie and the medical physics team were made to look like a bunch of amateurs attempting to get the machine to perform 

This technology has been available in the USA and Europe for many years, successfully treating patients, why are we so far behind, I'm sorry NHS/UK GOV but this is inexcusable 

Again this is down to the production team at BBC2 but make the professionals look professional and give us the confidence we need in them, after watching that I wouldn't want to be putting  my life in their hands

show them making good decisions not dithering and keeping their fingers crossed, they're not reinventing the wheel, this was simply an implementation in the UK. They should have done their research in the US and Europe and purchased and off the shelf version. 

and who'd want to be their first guinea pig when they look like they're struggling to get the thing firing on target !!!!!

