Embarrassing Rage

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I feel the need to get this out of my head and put it somewhere else. I am usually mild mannered, reasonable, quick to be helpful, accommodating and polite.  However,  my partners terminal diagnosis means that occasionally I have been so angry at little things that I  am slightly embarrassed. I found myself having a near punch up in a garden centre car park with some older aged man and his partner who falsely accused me of selfish parking.

He had parked over the line. I put my little red vespa scooter in the car space next to his. Tough for his wife that she couldn't get in her side and he seemed unable to drive/steer/park.

 I am late 50's rather plain and a bit dumpy. Prone to wearing middle aged  tracksuits and hoodies as I  used to be very sporty so maybe they took me for a chavvy thug who deserved  shouting at. Usually I  would have been diplomatic,  and de-escalate and diffuse things but  time they got things full on.   I got to the point of starting to drive behind them to menace them but only as far as the exit of the garden centre. Thats bad.  If these were your family or you I apologise for my behaviour but your parking was still rubbish and you were in the wrong.

I have tried to put it aside but it was a wake up for me about how rage can seep out. 

I also need to apologize to the person (multiple people) in the supermarket queues faffing around with their purse with me huffing and cursing behind them.

  • Hi NellieJ,

    Don’t worry, rage is good, as long as you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else.

    Near my house, it goes from 40 to 30 and nobody pays attention. When I felt at my worst, I resorted to walking really slowly across the road, staring at the driver, forcing them to slam on the brakes. I really didn’t care if the car hit me. I’m not proud but boy did it feel good to get the rage out. 

    So let it out I say. Maybe don’t follow my example but I reckon it’s good for you.

    All the best


  • Greg Thanks. Made me smile.  I'll bear  your experience in mind next time the road rage takes me and the person  walking really slowly across  is in my sights.  Also I might try it myself.  Compassion to others  is always about seeing things  from their view.