
  • 4 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi all,

Sorry for this rant and I dont mean to sound as mean as this will probably sound.  

I am supporting my sister who has breast cancer which has spread to her bones.  She has extensive bone mets.  This was diagnosed from the beginning of this rollercoaster back in January 2017.  Her pain management is under control and so far since May 2017 her 3 monthly scans show she is stable.  She used to have her own little cleaning business and looked after my son who is now 9 whilst I go to work.  To start with as a family we suggested she gave up her cleaning business and we paid her more money to help her out financially.   We pay double what a normal childminder would.  We found out recently my husband and I were the only ones helping financially.  We have 2 older brothers who do nothing to help.

My issue is my sister doesnt seem to want to help herself

She is 45 and I am 42.  I know it must be unbearable going through this.  I take time off for every appointment so she doesnt go through it on her own. She got married in September 2017 but ever since then she seems more than happy for everyone to do everything for her.  She doesnt go out anymore.  She constantly decorates at home.  It's my money she is using to pay towards her rent and bits and pieces at home whilst I cant afford anything for myself.  I want to see her happy but she just isn't helping herself at all.  I am having to constantly chase her to see if she has called the hospital for this and that.  I always seem the bad guy.

It doesn't help that a great friend of mine has returned to work after being off for a year with treatment for lung cancer.  My  friend is also terminal but is back at work.  If I suggest my sister finding a little job she starts saying she had too many appointments (she doesnt).

My sister is more than capable of a job and it's not just about a job she just sits at home all day till she gets my son from school.

I know I sound selfish but I would have thought she would get out and make the most of things.  I've even suggest volunteering.  She says it's a good idea then does nothing about it.

Am so frustrated.

Sorry if I have come across a selfish sister I am truly not and just want her to get out and live whilst she still can.

Thanks for reading and sorry its such a long rant.

  • Hi Teddy23,

    Hope u feel better for venting. Compared with yours, my rant earlier seems so trivial.

    What I want to know is, where does your sister's new husband fit into all this? Is it possible she's being an ostrich, sticking her head in the sand?

    The part that really struck me was " live whilst she still can" ..

    Guess the idea of the Room is that we can just rant without expecting ppl to reply. So ignore me if u want. I won't take offence lol

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Thank you for replying. 

    Writing down my feelings did make me feel better.

    Her husband works all the hours he can and is her rock but then on the other hand he lets her walk all over him as he doesnt want to upset her.  

    I do believe your right she is being an ostrich.  What a great saying!  I think my whole family seem to be.  I just want her to get out and about.  She used to be so sociable.  I know a few of her so called close friends seemed to have dropped from the face of the earth.

    I just feel like the bad guy all the time saying things like have you chased up this results that results, when is your next blood test, this appointment that.  I feel like I am on her case all the time.  I've tried not to but I get home from work and collect my son from her and ask she has done it's always not much just watched tv.  I've tried everything.  I've even had to remind her about her oncologist appointment which I always attend.  I've had to say this is serious stuff we cant let it go.  Just frustrated that's all.  Life really isn't fair and cancer stinks so matter what age you are.  

  • Hello. I'm new to The Room so not sure of the etiquette.  

    I woukd be interested to know what happens  if you stop chasing and pushing. As long as your son is safe and not neglected than how would it be to let her take some responsibility for herself?  

    Or modify it a bit and say that you won't chase and remind unless she asks you to. 

    Tough thing to do but then maybe there might be more space and time to tell her things you feel sad about and give her some opportunity to talk about how she is finding it .

    Best wishes 

  • Hi NellieJ, there ain't no etiquette, we just rant about stuff n sometimes we comment on other folk's rants.

    That's my take on it anyhow.

    Your suggestions r good ones - tough love, bring it on! 

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.