PhilB's post on Lung Cancer site

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

My heart went out to him and his family when he posted his 'Byee' message!  Perhaps he is tired of posting or tired of living with his prognosis and can't cope much longer.  Whatever!  Has made me think, would we be different people today if we hadn't come together on this site?  Would we be more or less empathetic?  We have come together through our unfortunate diagnoses but would we have felt the same if we hadn't been  affected by this horrible disease?  Think about it.  I know that if I hadn't becomes a sufferer myself I wouldn't give it so much of a thought!  Note to self - never be complacent!

Sorry, just feeling sad about having read PhilB's post - how can you fight for 15 years and then be given a devastating outcome.  Where's life there's hope, but suppose there comes a time when you have to give in.

Hopefully we will all keep fighting for as long as we can.  Mxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi HappyLady

    Sorry I have just seen this post re PhilB. I wanted to reassure you that Phil is doing ok! I speak to him regularly off the forum. I promise he is not giving up at all. He is in the middle of deciding on another line of treatment and is still doing his hobbies he enjoys too.

    The reason he stepped away from the forum is a tricky one without re opening cans of worms. Let's just say there was something a few weeks ago that many of us felt very strongly about and that situation was allowed to continue. 

    But please fear not he is doing absolutely ok.

    Next time I email him I will let him know people are thinking of him.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Me and my big feet!  Pleased that he is ok.  Thank you for your post.  Best wishes to all.  Mxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    phil has returned to the site.  starting to have issues with doctors/ hospitals so bit rough for him tc 

  • Hi ,

    Please see this link to a recent post on the incurables group regarding Phil B.

    click here

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx