Where do I start?

  • 5 replies
  • 16 subscribers

My husband of 30+ years has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and I feel so lost. I never imagined I'd have to live without him and I'm scared sh*tless. I'm trying to be strong for him and our adult children but I just want to scream and cry. 

What advice would you have for me & what things should I do/not do?

  • Hello Freddi ( 

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan. I have noticed your post has gone unanswered so by me replying it will be "bumped up" to the top of the page and be seen and replied to by other members of this group.

    I have replied to another of your posts in "The Room" and have already pointed you in the direction of the Support Line - please do use this when you need to.

    I know in 30 years you make lots of memories, but now is the time to try and make as many more happy ones as you can. I know it's hard but try not to blame him for the circumstances - but you will need to be strong for him. As a man with cancer I know sometimes it's hard not to be able to do what you used to be able to do - even simple things around the house. Make the time you have got left (and no one knows how much) the best of times for him, yourself and your adult children.

    If I can do anything for you please do let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • My mum been diagnosed with cancer she been given weeks if that I am trying to be strong but at night I can’t stop crying she my mum but also my best friend so I understand how you feel, if want to chat I am always here 

  • Hi i know exactly how you feel. Cant help with advising you on what to do or not do. My husband of 32 year diagnosed last month with small cell lung cancer. Its really hard but trying to carry in as normal as possible for now as he is not ill but starts chemo next week. 
    At the moment the hardest part is not been able to make any plans for the future and hearing work colleagues constantly talking about holidays for this year and next

    i would also like any advise on how to cope xx

  • Hi Fredi, I am in the same boat, my husband has a very aggressive sarcoma, chemo has failed and he's got less than 6 mnths. I echo your feelngs of hopelessness  and fear for the future. MacMillan have helped us apply for a blue badge and also do the SP1 for attendance allowance, please do this also. I reduced my days at work so it will help financially. I'm finding it hard to find support locally, my husband is under a hospital further away so services don't stretch this far. I don't drive. Its hard to navigate what you may need and when,.

    Angie, I get the plannng too, a colleague was talking yesterday about a long trip next year, we can't even plan for next month let alone next year.

    I don't have answers about coping, I just lurch from one day to the next, hoping to keep going. I go to a choir once a week which is me time and my colleagues at work are supportive. I don't have family near by. Do ou have people you can lean on?

    Jenny, I lost my mum to Alzheimer's and she was my best friend, it was heartbreaking watching her decline.

    Lets keep talking, it helps. X

  • We've got a MacMillan nurse coming tomorrow, so we'll go through all the benefits with her x