Feeling numb

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Hello, not so long ago I lost my sister in law to breast cancer that was aggressive amd after around 2 years we had lost her leaving behind a husband and a 3 year old daughter. Her Dad has just been diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumour and been given 6 months. My niece is now 11 and not aware yet. I'm so shocked, angry and devestated. My husband isn't coping as he won't talk about it. All the grandparents are worried about what to do. I think we look after her and I'm worried about the future. I also have two of my own children too. Not really sure what to ask but needed to share

  • Hello KBP

    Welcome to the Online Community. 

    I hope that it has helped to share on here and it does not matter that you do not know what to ask. You clearly are having a difficult time at the moment and I am pleased that you have reached out for support.

    I am really sorry to hear about your sister in law, it must have been really tough with her daughter being so young. It seems so unfair that her Dad has now had a diagnosis himself. 

    I can understand your worries about the future but from the sounds of it your niece has family around her who will be there to support her and that will be a comfort. It can be really difficult to talk, even within a close family about cancer- all the emotions- anger, shock and devastation can be hard to deal with. 

    Can I suggest that you give the Support Line a call and talk things through? When you are ready. It doesn't matter if you do not know what to say or ask- they will just listen if that is what you need. Sometimes it can help to get things of your chest and make some plans for the next steps. I have found sometimes it is easier to talk to those who don't know you as I know myself sometimes I was worried about upsetting those closest to me. In our family we all deal with things differently. The Support Line is there from 8am- 8pm everyday and they are lovely on there. 

    They will also be able to look to see if there is any local support available to you. I wonder if there is a Maggies centre near you? I know that many people find them really helpful.

    Maggie's | Everyone's home of cancer care

    Please also do continue to use this forum as and when you need to. I hope you will find it supportive. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm