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I am supporting  my mum with her breast cancer that has now spread to her lungs, 

But I am now starting to feel  cross  to start with she didn't  tell any of us she had breast cancer and I only found out by accident. 

This was 3 years ago now  [5 yrs shes had cancer]she finally told  my brothers  2 years ago when she had mastectomy  i looked after her after op  and on going .

Her partner is always a nightmare  he did go to a couple of aftercare appointments  but he has a habit of  trying to  hijack appointments  to his ailments. [Most of which are just in his head] so I take time off my job to go  as she doesn't  listen properly to  what they tell her and if she doesn't  like what they say she totally  clocks out .also check on her twice a day before  and after work .do her shopping  etc .

But she is still refusing to  tell both brothers  anything . On our last consulting  visit he said he wanted her to stop the pills she is on as she is on the lowest dose poss and it's causing a reaction  that means she is in constant stomach pain  .but due to funding she either gives up totally  this option  or try something else.. 1 brother lives miles away turns up once in a blue moon and off again in a couple of hrs.the other wants her to baby sit his house and animals  regularly so he can  get away surfing with his wife  who doesn't want to  know my mum but happy for her to house sit .[ basically  me doing it by seeing  she's OK when she's there] but if I try and mention anything am told WHAT SHES OK ! BY both of them .

She won't consider  chemo at all as she doesn't want to  loose her hair . But she says she doesn't want to  try anything else  if it means she will have any disruption to  her life . She drives so her partner expects her to take him allover the place but he wont ask his own familyto help. "But she's not ready to give up on life yet " .I feel  she needs to talk to my siblings too but she says they don't  need to be upset .we'll hang on what about me . She gets upset because she says she agreed to being mutilated  and now she looks like a bag of bones with a giants  skin draped over 

. She won't talk to anyone  like Maggies etc .because she's not  that type of person to do that .

Sorry for rant but like I said I'm getting  cross I am lucky my husband is a great support  for me but I feel his patience is  wearing a  bit thin with this as he's not good with  sick people.

Any suggestions  as trying not to loose my cool  in front of my  mum .

  • Ps I'm not in any danger  so moderators  thankyou for asking .I feel  at the end of my teather  with trying to  deal with this without shouting at  someone. And hope someone  can suggest  what might help. 

  • Hi Patsy, 

    I am sorry that no one has responded to this post previously, it may be because you added a P.S which shows the post as having been replied to... for future posts, if you click on More at the bottom of the post, you should be able to edit, and that will ensure that any unanswered posts are flagged to the forum champions. 

    I have read over your post a couple of times, and I am a little confused, as you have stated that Mum finally told your brothers 2 years ago, when she had a Mastectomy, but a little further on you say that she is refusing to tell your brothers anything and they are not helping you with her care. 

    Has the oncologist said what the other treatment might be, if she stops taking the tablets that are causing her a reaction? How is your Mum in herself?

    With regards for ideas, there is a program on Netflix, if you have access to that, called Fantastic Fungi, it is, all about the magic of mushrooms..  one part of the documentary is about a lady (a Mother) who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, it is, in my opinion a fascinating documentary, and it is this program that alerted my husband to the specific mushroom which was used for this lady.   It may not work for everyone, but it is something that we swear by, as he was diagnosed with a different cancer, nearly 5 years ago and given a very poor prognosis, which he has surpassed by many years.  

    Have you asked Mum your "What about Me?" thoughts?  having others in your family aware of what is going on, would be more support for you, so although it is right, that your Mum has the option to choose what, if any, treatment she will accept, but for you to feel as if it all comes down to you, and only you, is tough, and I am sorry that this seems, from what you have written, to be how you are feeling. 

    Always feel free to rant, if nothing else, it is a release for you, and once again, I am sorry that this post was not responded to earlier. 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • She told my brothers she had op but nothing else .

    She says she is ok but seeing her everyday says otherwise. As I see the good and the bad .

    I have said to her what about the fact that I feel they should know more as I feel they will blame me for not telling them  .her ans is I don't want them to worry.

    So I feel she thinks it's OK for me to put my life on hold to some extent but not them 

  • Hi again, 

    Sometimes we have to be real with our parents, no matter how tough that can be, and as much as I am sure you understand why she would not want to worry them, is she aware that you feel that there is a chance that they will blame you for keeping this from them? 

    The first thing I said to my husband when he was diagnosed after the initial shock, was "No Secrets", not from me, his Mum or our Children, so I think I am wondering whether you have asked your Mum if you can tell your brothers on her behalf, because, you want to ensure that they are aware of what their Mum is going through, what their Sister is going through and to be able to maintain a relationship with them later on without the feeling of being blamed.  

    You wrote that you think that she feels it's OK for you to put your life on hold to some extent, have you asked her? and it made me think -

    I remember when my Aunt died, I was angry because I didn't get to her in time, I blamed my Mum because I had driven to collect her before going on to the hospital, and  she wasn't ready, I chose to wait, and I was angry when I never got to say goodbye.. I am telling you this Patsy because the decisions we make are our choice, even if we feel that our brothers should be more involved (I have older brothers who are different in their emotional attachment than I am). If you do not speak with Mum and make it clear the affect her not being open with them, is having on you, and may continue to have on you long into the future, and if you choose to keep her secret because of her preference of them not being told by her, then all of that is choice. Your choices should not make you angry, you should not have this secret forced upon you, IF your brothers are believed to be able to cope with the truth.

    I hope that you are able to discuss this deeply with your Mum, as I am sure she would not want you to feel as if you are not being considered. 

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!