Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer

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  • 14 subscribers


my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, she has chemotherapy, a lumpectomy then radio therapy, she was 49 years old.

in May 2021, it was confirmed that it had returned and had metastasised. They said it wasn’t curable but treatable and the prognosis was that as long as she didn’t give up there was tools in the cupboard to treat it. 
over the last three years she has had her chemo and worked full time even have day on her chemo days, she has always been a strong fit and healthy person. She continued to run and do yoga daily after her first diagnosis.

last Christmas they gave her the wrong dose of chemotherapy as they hadn’t altered her weight on the system and it totally wiped her out, she was on leave over Christmas so wasn’t on sick leave, but was very ill and that’s when things started to slow down with her. She recovered and we have traveled but following a family trip . A week later she became ill with a chest infection, the usual from the GP we don’t like giving antibiotics etc, etc. to cut a long story short she ended up with sepsis and pneumonia, was blue lighted to hospital where she stayed for 9 days on IV antibiotics, she is home now on oxygen 24-7, very tired and has no energy, she struggles to eat and is in a lot of pain. The GP (different one) has been brilliant. We had a discussion with the oncologist who has basically said if she is. It well enough to have the radiotherapy soon there will be nothing else they can do. She cannot lay flat for the planning scan due to her breathing and pain, they cannot use chemotherapy as she is too weak and they’ve said it may never be an option again.

I understand that they are saying that if she cannot manage the treatment she is going to die, my wife is blinkered and always looks on the bright side but at the moment it’s just darkness.

only our two friends know, or children and family are unaware of the cancers return. I think the time is right to tell them as they are all concerned as she is so ill after the pneumonia. But still she doesn’t want anyone to know. 
I have left a message for the cancer nurse to ring me for a referral for a macmillan nurse or something as I want my wife to have the best care and support 

sorry for the long post, I just needed to get it off my chest.Pray

  • Hi Sisyphus, and a warm welcome to the forum, but so sorry you have to be here. like your wonderful wife I am treatable, not curable, can I suggest you call your GP and ask for a referral for the district nurses and the hospice palliative care team, please don't think the palliative team are for end of life only they are NOT, they will be able to manage your wife's pain and keep on top of it, make her comfortable so she can make the most of her time, and as well as supporting your wife, they will support you, helping you to give the best care to your wife and making sure you look after yourself too, the district nurses can access specialist nurses, equipment and supplies so you have the things you need when you need them. I have been with my hospice and team over a 18 months and can't thank them enough. It is not my place to say whether you tell your family or not, I did eventually as my kids were all grown up and being terminal they were going to find out anyway. It is a heart breaking thing to do, being in agreement would help enormously, my best wishes to you both.


  • Thanks for your kind words Eddie