The loss before loss

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I am a young woman (under 30) currently 28 weeks pregnant with my first child. 
in March 2024 my mum shared the news that she had terminal cancer after a 6 month remission period from colon cancer. She has been given around 18 months to live. She is currently on palliative chemo although due to her not being well enough she has not been able to have this weekly chemo for 4 weeks now. In the last 2 weeks we have begun to see a marked deterioration in her health. Her mobility is very much reduced, she has no appetite and is not sleeping more than 2-3 hours a day. 
My mum has always been the glue of the family, she keeps us all going and has always been there for me. She was always a fearless, strong and tenacious woman (also a nurse so stubborn!) and now she is a shell of herself and just so weak. I’m now struggling not only with coming to terms that she may not survive long enough meet her grandson, but I feel like we are losing her self before she’s actually gone. 
I just don’t know how I am supposed to cope with this, how I can support her or what I can do to feel that I have done enough. How has anyone else navigated this?

    1. Hi Forest1607 welcome to the forum. There isn't any guide sadly for how to navigate any of these situations except to rely on our own inbuilt feelings and thoughts. I cannot even begin to imagine how you will be feeling and with a baby on the way it makes the whole situation so much more sad. However, I'm reading what a tenacious woman your mum is and I'm sure that you will have inherited some of that tenacity from her even though you won't think so. We are here for you as you need us to be and I'm sending some huge big hugs your way for now. X you will always be enough and have done enough as far as your mum is concerned and her opinion is the only one that really matters. X


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  • Thank you so much for your kind words. They have given me food for thought  xx