Losing someone so soon

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  • 14 subscribers

I came onto this forum for support and it’s one of the best things I did. Hearing peoples stories and what stage they are at was a real guide with what to expect. Sadly my uncle passed away on Wednesday after being diagnosed with primary liver cancer only 7 weeks ago. Initial prognosis was 3 months but it is a cruel illness. 

We are grieving massively he has left a void in our lives that will never be filled. I look back at the pictures and can’t understand how rapidly he changed. The biggest lesson I can give is to prepare. We all want loved ones at home but we didn’t anticipate how quick things would change and we didn’t have any plans in place. Things like dignity and being able to go to the bathroom we didn’t realise how much not being able to do that would affect him. We didn’t realise that it will take more than 1 person to help in his care. That’s a lot of pressure. 

if you’re scared of hospices don’t be! My uncle went in for the last week of his life and they were right with the predictions although we disagreed. They have everything there that makes the care plan much safer. and they have the knowledge to be able to be more clearer on how things are heading. I’m hurting so much right now but they gave him a dignified death. The next step is to accept what’s happened. I don’t know how that will be but it’s hard at the moment. Anyone going through this please be strong and look after yourself in the process because I have drained myself that I feel so unwell and broken. Bring a carer is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. You need to think of your own mental health whilst setting a care plan. That’s something I never did and now I feel lost. 

  • Zara, I'm sending you so much love, and I really hope you start to find some peace soon. I'm completely terrified of going through this with my mum, but even just browsing these forums for the first time this afternoon has made me feel a little better, just knowing I'm not alone. So thank you for sharing your experience and advice. x

  • You’re never alone. It’s a tough journey but look after yourself as well. The forums helped me every step of the way. Everything just seems so final. I just hope I can help others who are going through the journey and give strength.