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  • 15 subscribers

Today was probably one of the hardest days we have had to go through. After my uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer only 7 weeks ago (by chance on a visit to A&E) we have been caring for him at home and watched him deteriorated in such a short space of time. The last few days he has lost interest in eating and is so weak he can’t even stand to be able to use a commode. He still has the strength to crack a smile. But not being able to manage at home he has gone into a hospice today being told he will not be returning. They still believe he is in the last few days of life. Although he is drinking fluids and eating only a little maybe one or 2 spoonfuls he still responds to everyone who talks to him although very little energy. Is anyone else going or gone through this and if death came suddenly even if they were able to eat right up until the end?  It’s the not knowing what’s going on that’s killing us. Whilst caring for him at home we were told weeks to survive then dropped down to days then went back to weeks and now back to days. It’s really played on my mind. Is the end near? 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about what your are going through, yours is perhaps one of the most common questions but one that as you have discovered even the experts with all the information cannot really answer.

    My dad suffered from a really long dragged out illness but ended up with about a days notice that he was really likely to die soon. My mum died totally out of the blue. Even 11 years later it is hard to work out which was harder.



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  • Thank you for your response. It is a really tough question to answer and I suppose wanting to know how much time he has left is for us to prepare ourselves for what we already know. So the update at the moment. Only a few days have gone by and he is now have deterioration on a daily basis. He has been out on a syringe driver and he not eating any foods at all. Liquids are also very minimal. His is much more sleepy and alert a lot less although he does try to open his eyes and when he does he just has a glazed look over his eyes. The signs are there already. We can see he really is in his last days. I just hope and pray he can pass away with ease and no suffering. He seems to be settled tonight but we are on edge that we will get that call that we are dreading.  

  • My best friends beloved Mum was dying at home. She was coherent  till the end. On the night she passed she said goodnight to everyone and told them to go to bed. She died within 30 minutes. She clearly knew she was going to go and sent her children and husband to bed. Everyone is different, and I truly believe that people can choose when they pass. It's horrible not knowing when it's going to happen. Sending lots of love.