Where to die

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  • 16 subscribers

My Dad has been in a hospice for the last 2 weeks whilst they help with pain management. He was told yesterday that he can leave and come home. My Dad feels safe in the hospice and is worried that when the time comes there won't be any beds at the hospice and he will end up in hospital. His experience of our hospital during his cancer journey has been horrendous. He has been told his life expectancy is 3 months. My mum doesn't want him to die at home. Hopefully he will be able to get back in the hospice.

  • Hi Lilytoad23, so sorry to hear about your dad. Like your dad i am terminal and find being at my hospice comforting. and want my final days to be there too, Your hospice will provide care at home and he will be well looked after, and they will know, sometime before, when your dad will need 24 hour care and will be arranging for a bed at the hospice well in advance for him. Though as you know there are no guarantee's, so just in case maybe researching local nursing homes or similar there are some good ones out there and it will help knowing you have a good place for dad if the hospice is full. best wishes to you and your family, take care.
