How to cope

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  • 13 subscribers

Im looking for some advice on how people cope with this type of thing, in the space of 2/3 years my mum has had pancreatic cancer and was cured she now has metastatic liver cancer and is having chemo again, my dad has metastatic lung cancer which has spread to the brain and is having treatment to prolong his life as it is incurable, and back in October I lost my aunt ( more like a grandma ) to metastatic lung cancer which also spread to the brain. Any advice is appreciated 

  • I am not able to explain how to cope with all this other than things such as being on here, calling Macmillian, going to therapy/counselling especially that specialise in grief. You have to take one day at a time and find a way to life your life the best way possible and hold on to even the little good things and try to find distractions that bring you joy as that’s what they would want. You keep them alive in your memories as painful as these can be for the living left behind.

    I lost my grandad to prostate cancer, he died whilst I was holding his hand, never forget feeling his life drift  away. My Gran died of oesophageal cancer that consumed her whole body very quickly. My brothers partner of 22 years died of lung cancer on Xmas day 6 years ago and now my Mum has primary liver cancer with secondary lung and lymph node cancer. We were only told 3 days ago about Mum.