Mum starts treatment - What can I do to help

  • 5 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi all, 

So my mum begins her first Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy on Monday for her Stage 4a incurable adenocarcinoma Lung cancer. I believe its once every 3 weeks for both. 

I'm looking for tips to help her with the possibility of the side effects. I've prepped and ordered disposable sick bowls. Stocked the fridge with things like broccoli to keep her iron levels up. I have tried researching but I want to hear from someone who has gone through it/going through it with loved ones and how you supported them.

What are the do's and don'ts? What day would you feel the worst after treatment? I know everyone is different and reacts differently. Just want to be extra prepared. 

Z x

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the online community, I'm sorry your mum has had this awful news. Well done you on being so prepared. I had chemotherapy for Stage 4b endometrial cancer in 2022. My cancer is currently stable. I was at the chemo unit most of the day, which was a Friday every 3 weeks. The next 2 days were not too bad but the side effects kicked in on the Monday. I was unprepared for how ill I would feel the first time but the cycles after that, I knew what to expect. My side effects were constant thirst, heartburn, constipation and just feeling generally unwell. My husband was a great help in keeping me supplied with fluids and medication. My appetite wasn't great but I felt better by eating so I just kept it simple, tins of soup, sandwiches etc. 

    This information may be useful to you

    I hope your mum gets good results from her treatment

    A x

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  • Hi Zoee - I can’t offer much advice I’m afraid, but I wanted to reply to say I am in the same position as you! My mom is 65. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 NSC lung cancer which has spread to bones. She also starts chemo next week. I feel so worried about how she’s going to cope with treatment and side affects. She isn’t currently in any pain but is suffering badly with breathlessness. It’s all happened so quickly and we are all still in shock. 
    just wanted to send love and positivity your way for your moms treatment, and let you know I’m here feeling similar to you xx

  • Hi there. How are you/ mum getting on? My dad is 14 months into his fight - diagnosed Nov '22 with S4 NSCLC, had 6 weeks of radio, chemo and immuno. Had a blissful summer of happiness as a family, before the cancer's return Nov '23 with mets to other parts of his body. Incureable now with a management plan of chemo. We found he 'got away' with it fairly lightly the first time round - he actuallly felt better with it due to it reducing his tumour so had more energy and easier breathing. Very little side effects other than tiredness (he's 67). This time is a bit different - he usually feels crap on day 4 and 5 after chemo, very tired, achey, fluey. Stock up on high calorie snacks, smoothies (add full fat cream/ yoghurt/ peanut butter) and lots of healthy greens. Try and encourage some fresh air even just in the garden if possible. Good luck xxxxxxxxxxx 

  • Hey, 

    That's crap it came back within a year :( but good it reduced the tumor. I have found mums side effects are worse on 4 and 5 too! Her 3rd round, really took it out of her and she was bedbound for the whole weekend and probably was awake for a total of 5 hours over a 48 hour period. 

    So a little update. Mum has had 3 out of 4 Chemo/Immunotherapy. She had a CT scan after the 2nd and had results a couple weeks ago. They are very happy with how its going. And there was concern about her adrenal glands but they have said it doesn't look like cancer there.(didn't think to ask what that meant and where that is located as was too busy trying to note it all down for the family update group chat)

    It has already shrunk by half! They will be sending her for a PET Scan after the 4th round of treatment in a couple weeks to see if its still going good. At this moment in time, the plan is to see if the rest can be done with some radiotherapy but she will have to stay on immunotherapy for 2 more years but every 6 weeks instead of 3. 
    She wants to use her break in treatment to fly to Cyprus to see her family and I am trying to get over my fear of flying to take my son for his first holiday. I feel it will be a special memory! 

  • Hi Zoe, 

    Hope your mum is doing well, my dad has also been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer adenocarcinoma with rib invasion also in the fluid. He starts his first cycle on Monday also chemo and immunotherapy and he is in a panic over it. Which treatment did your mum have was it ABCP? I'm just wondering if its the same drugs as my dad and which side effects he is expecting? I'm kind of numb to what's going on right now I don't really know how to feel. x