I'm Lost

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Yesterday my Wife/soulmate was diagnosed with terminal cancer after battling against it for a year, she has decided we won't tell anyone until after Christmas, doesn't want too upset anybody. I can hardly hold it together, our sons who are Adults (18 & 22) don't know yet they, caught me in tears in the kitchen I blamed the onions so got away with that. She is very weak and isn't able to do much she has weeks maybe months left, I don't know what to do.

  • Hi, its so sad to read your message above. I am living with incurable cancer myself like your wife so can on some level understand how It must be very difficult for her and you to hold it all together for your sons. Even more so at Christmas time when everyone around is celebrating and all you both want to do is breakdown and cry. There is never a good time to tell your boys this sad and horrible news. I am not suprised you dont know what to do i dont think anyone would in your position, you are trying to protect your sons and look after your wife all at the same time it must seem inpossible. I think when other people know what the situation is with your wife you will get the help you need and deserve. People often forget about the carer,partners in this fight with cancer and they need help too. I hope you find someone who you can talk to that helps you get through this. There is other help on this site also your local GP if you need more support