Lung Cancer spread to the brain.

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Hello Everyone,  My husband has lung cancer which was being managed with chemo, then he had a heart attack,  so chemo stopped.  Later on intensive week of radiotherapy and we thought he'll be back to how he was.  But events occurred and we found out it's spread to his brain.  Months to live we've been told, so creaking wheels of red tape to get him home.  Struggling with getting everything.   Meanwhile he is (I am sure) suffering isolation, anger, mood swings, terrible rage at everyone and everything (not like him at all).  I feel I'm taking the brunt, wearing me out but I have support from friends.  Will he be ok coming home? Will I cope (with daily carers) looking after him? He can't walk, he's so frustrated,  and no patience (whereas before he had such a sweet nature).  Anyone offer advice, guidance,  support?   Thanks  xxx PS to this post which I made just 3 days ago, my husband is DESPERATE to escape hospital and has threatened suicide more than once.  I now have his specialist equipment at home but still waiting carers and a care "package"!  Tonight I made enquiries about employing private care, just until the NHS service kicks in.  So somehow we can get him out of this prison he feels he's in.  Believe it or not, we both caught COVID following a fellow patient in his bay testing positive,  I tested positive today, him yesterday and they've put him in isolation which has made his mental condition 10x worse.  In my whole life of 60 odd years I cannot think of a worse situation and experience.   To put a dying man through this is criminal.