Feeling lost and lonely

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Life is never going to be the same again,hubby diagnosed May 4th with advanced prostate cancer metastasis stage 4,had 2 rounds of chemotherapy,feeling lost and lonely,all our future plans all cancBroken heartled,we enjoyed holidays abroad and concerts,but everything has stopped because cancer has taken over our lives.hubby is 51 and I’m 48,married 29 years,already dreading the inevitable,all I’ve everBroken heartnown since age of 17 is us,how am I going to cope ,we have 2 grown up daughters 24 and 21,thoughts of not sharing their wedding day together not becoming grandparents together,is heartbreaking Broken heart feeling selfish thinking of myself but our future is slowly being snatched away from us.

  • Dear Sal, forgive me for probably intruding in your anticipated fears.  Jean & I were thrown into very similar in 2018 when I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer too.  I too was told I had no hope of recovery, & am treated with a hormone injection every 3 months to keep the nasties in check. The first year was bad.  I was depressed & found it just as difficalt to cope.  

    The worst for me is that it has limited my level of energy to about the first 5 hours of each day.which is a problem for me since I have been a photographer most of my life, & my activity limit means I can no longer be out & around with my camer for hours at a time.  As time has gone on though I have become far more focused on using my energy carefully.

    .  I now produce my pictures as message cards, with only a few full sized prints for sale & this year I have been asked to exhibit some as part of our Town Art Festival.  This has helped me enormously.  I am learning to live in the present, & not to use the thought "If only I could as I used to." We who have suddenly been given a limit on our lives still have a future...be it a shorter time. 

    Please stay in contact with your hospitals Cancer Nurse & talk these things through face-to-face, & perhaps contact a local cancer or Prostate Support group.  Yours sincerely Phillip.