"We see you" (from my kids)

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  • 12 subscribers

We know what's happening
We see it with our own eye's
We hear the pain in your voice
We hear your silent cries.

It's ok to not be ok mum
Your our mummy we love you very much
Your losing your mummy to this sickness when the world is told not to hug or touch.

Every moment we get with Nanny is stored in our hearts and minds
To take out and remember her when the time comes as she was not how she is.

We look at Nanny and see more of you so she'll never be forgotten by us as we have you to help us remember and we see Nanny in you.

We see you cry, we do too
so let's stay wrapped around each other as we prepare to say goodbye.

Written April 22nd 2021

Inspired by a conversation with my 9 year old daughter & 6 year old son as they prepare for Nanny's transition.

  • Hi

    Your poem is really beautiful and moving. I wondered if you'd like to post it in the Express Yourself group where you'll find lots of poems from others who are going through cancer either as a patient or a family member or friend.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Oh will do thank you, will be great to join other creative's.

  • Beautiful poem. Just last week we cuddled our dad to his final sleep and it is so hard, but we had the time to say everything, I’m so thankful for that. 

    But my three beautiful nieces (ages 3,3 & 4)lost their wonderful grandad, they are still a little young to truly understand so my heart goes out to you, but my sister bought them some wonderful grief books for children which I thought were great. We also had plans grandad wanted to do with them (take them to a fairy castle, as he called it and out on a horse and trap) which we have told them grandad has planned. Hope sharing this helps and sending my absolute best for you and your family. 
