my mom got lung cancer

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  • 10 subscribers

Guess I wanted to chat to some one. Can’t sleep was. Told today  doctors standing back and Palliative care only

  • FormerMember

    Dear hartam, I am sorry to hear your mum has come to the end of her treatment options for her lung cancer, I’m sure you have many questions whirling around your head right now about what will happen next. As a palliative care patient I can tell you that in my case I am now receiving support from my local hospice and the palliative care department in my local hospital and this is making sure my quality of life is the best it can be. The hospice is nothing like you might think it would be, it’s a place of love and compassion and believe it or not happiness. Your mum can be referred by her general practitioner when and if she is ready to get some support.