  • 16 replies
  • 11 subscribers
Hello all,
I am just wondering if anyone can offer help or advice re PIP benefit. After waiting five months post allo transplant for my dad to be assessed and having to involve our local mp to even get someone out to see him he has just received a letter today to say he does not qualify and will not be receiving anything backdated. We can of course appeal this decision but after being assigned a hopeless social worker in the beginning who told is he would defiantly be eligible for this has come as a huge shock. He was a bricklayer before his transplant and is hoping to get back to work bit it will not be anytime soon as he is still extremely week and battling with gvhd of the gut. Has anyone had any similar experiences that could advise?
Thanks in advance.
Kim xx
  • FormerMember

    Definitely appeal, and I would suggest contacting Citizen's Advice Bureau who have lots of experience with this sort of thing. It's hard going but keep at it - good luck! 

  • I think Macmillan have staff who can help too, carers centre locally may be worth a try too, they often have someone who can help with financial issues or benefit issues. You could ring mac and ask.

    we all know this is a roller coaster ride, where we ride blind, never knowing where the highs and lows are
  • FormerMember

    Contact MacMillan and speak to them, a lot of the CABs actually have MacMillan CAB advisors, I know that because I have one from Yateley CAB in Hampshire. You need someone to help you do the appeal, don't try it on your own, because there is a way to fill out both the initial form and any appeal. I don't know how my MacMillan advisor does it, but he has successfully managed to get me an award.

    Your Dad is still weak and will be too weak for some time to go back to a heavy job and bricklaying is not exactly easy, even if he did have the energy to cope for a couple of days a weak, he is still also immuno compromised and in danger of infections. He shouldn't really even be going out in large public groups yet never mind heading back to the workplace.

    Call MacMillan and ask for assistance. 

  • Yes, do appeal, try the phone line of the site to help you, it's 0808 808 0000, they have finance specialists. You might have to wait a while but they are very helpful. 

    Good luck, if it fails then do get back on here......and cite your Dad at his worst when you fill in any forms. 

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    Yes, it's worth calling Macmillan or CAB to ask about appealing. Your dad might also check whether he can claim, for example, any out of work benefits that he's not already getting.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the replies. My Dad called pip and was told to wait for the phone call on the 12th August he will receive from the person assigned to the case to ask to have it looked at again. Apparently you can't appeal until you have asked for the decision to be looked at again. We have called macmillan in the meantime who disappointingly told him that it isn't worth the stress to try and have the decision overturned and he should probably just leave it. Thousands of people are in this situation it seems. Apparently the PIP decision is made so the claimant can claim for a total of 12 months and his assessment was done when he has started to recover so he is not "ill" enough to be entitled to it. 

    It seems so terribly unfair that because of the delays in the pip system that people who would be entitled to it have started to recover and therefor do not qualify and some people who have terminal illnesses have actually not lived long enough to see their claim go through!?

    I'm not one to give up so easily as stressful as it may be, my poor dad has worked and paid his taxes his whole life and if he had his choice he would be back at work today!

  • That all sucks! Really unfair. Kimberley, keep trying. Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    Ouch. Cant believe you were given such unhelpful advice. I was advised to get a ds1500 form for my partner. Not because he was dying but because there was a possibility of death within 6 months. we had been waiting 7 months for Petes assessment. Once I had the ds1500 he didn't need an assessment and was awarded high rates on all within 2 weeks I know nobody wants the ds1500 form but both macmillan and cab were insistent that we should have the form and were entitled. Petes gp signed it with out question.
    Keep battling and good luck
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry, but this doesn't sound right to me Kimberley, your Dad is five months post allo transplant?  If so then he is still in the danger period. I think MacMillan are telling you the wrong thing.  You need to see your Dad's oncologist and get their back up. Your Dad is in recover that's true, but he is not recovered, not by a long chalk.  Don't give up, see the oncologist and your Dad's GP explain the situation. He is more than ill enough to be entitled. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My consultant done my ds1500 , basically same as yourself, without bone marrow match am terminal, Today o received the full application form to claim pip, as someone with no medical experience basically doubts my consultants evidence, With my cancer of coarse I can make a cup of tea for myself, one of the questions on form . Obviously am going to fail in my claim if there doubting professional evidence, I dont know where to turn Simon