Shielding lifting

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi all,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe ?.

Im still trying to find out what to do when shielding finishes. I finished my 12 weeks on 11th June I’m high risk because of SCT in December 2019. All advice says when you have had. SCT in the last 6 months so I’m thinking after 6 months am I fine ? No one seems to know . Hoping GP coming back to me Monday . I haven’t received another shielding letter , my furlough has now finished and needs confirmation before starting again so currently I’m in limbo .

Gov website tells you how to shield , who should shield but not what happens at the end  ??

Any advice would be very welcome .

Also Choo , rest assured I also reacted very bad with some of the side effects of steroids I was on pre Chemo and SCT and put my family through hell which was so out of character for me . Try not to take it personally what your son says. We hurt the ones we love the most .

Take care jfd2165

  • Hi ,

    if in doubt, stay at home, say I! But I think you’re allowed out once a day but keep 2 metres apart still. in England. I’m surprised you’ve not had any indication, Daughter says she’s had regular communication from both her GP surgery and NHS England. 

    if I were you I would err on the safe side (we all are, daughter, her housemate and we two who are in the over 70 age group with existing conditions) As daughter said, having been so careful for so long, it would be daft to succumb now! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Jfd2165,

    It probably matters more what type of cancer you have rather than length of time from SCT from a shielding point of view. I think NHL is quite complicated with lots of different types so it maybe worth checking out one of the specific lymphoma sites or checking with your medical team if you would like specific guidance?

    I think shielders will be getting guidance early next week so probably best to wait a couple of more days and see what it might say? This is certainly the case if you’re in England.

    All the best


  • Shielding in England is still in place until the 30th June...... but you can follow all the recent changes..... but as Greg says it will most likely be reviewed soon.

    This is the latest Lymphoma Action Information.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Many thanks Mike .

    Best wishes 

    Julie X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi Moomy ,

    Yes I totally agree to stay at home until told otherwise, I don’t want to put myself at any more risk after coming so far .

    I hope you all stay safe and well .

    Take care 

    Julie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777

    Many thanks Greg,

    Hopefully I will here something next week then , it would be nice to know .

    I had NHL for the 2nd time first 17 years ago hence my SCT . I will have a look at the link Mike gave me . 
    Hope you are well ?
    Take care 

    Julie x

  • Just to put down what is going on in England from the Lymphoma Action Site 

    On 22 June, the government set out a 'roadmap' of how they intend to relax the restrictions for people who are shielding over the coming months. If you are on the shielded patient list, you should receive a letter informing you of the planned changes to the shielding guidance. This guidance applies to England only. It will be reviewed regularly based on the latest clinical evidence and it could change.

    At present, the government intends to relax shielding guidance in stages as follows.

    From 6 July:

    • If you would like to, you will be able to meet people from different households outdoors in groups of no more than six. You should still stay at least 2 metres away from people who are not members of your own household.
    • You will no longer need to observe social distancing with other members of your own household.
    • If you are the only adult in your household, you will be able to form a 'support bubble' with one other household. People in a support bubble will be allowed to meet in each other's houses and do not have to stay 2 metres apart.

    From 1 August:

    • You will no longer be advised to shield. If you would like to, you can go out to more places and see more people. However, you should still follow strict social distancing measures:
      • Stay at home where possible.
      • Minimise contact with people who are not in your household or support bubble.
      • Stay at least 2 metres away from other people whenever you are out.
    • If you cannot work from home, you will be able to go to work as long as your place of work is COVID-safe.
    • You will be able to go outside to buy food, to places of worship and for exercise.
    • Children who have been shielding will be able to go back to school if they are eligible to.
    • Food and medicine boxes provided by the government will stop. You will still be able to access priority supermarket delivery slots. The NHS Volunteers Scheme and other local volunteer schemes will continue.
    • You will stay on the list of shielded patients so you can be contacted if the advice changes.

      The government will continue to monitor levels of coronavirus over the coming months. If it spreads too much, you might be advised to shield again.

      Mike (Thehighlander)

      It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

      Community Champion Badge

    • FormerMember
      FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

      Many thanks Mike for putting up the information.

      I finally heard from my GP today saying to continue shielding indefinitely, then it was on the news as well . 
      Hope you are all well , enjoy the sunshine .

      Best wishes 


    • Hi , I am doing great thank you.

      Being in Scotland it does not apply to me but we wait with ‘anticipation’ to see the road map we follow up North.

      I hope that some clear guidelines are made available for those most at risk as COVID is not going away for a period of time once the word shielding comes off the agenda.

      Mike (Thehighlander)

      It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

      Community Champion Badge

    • Still being able to access priority supermarket slots will be especially important to shielders, and the over 70’s too, so I hope that gets maintained! 

      I still think daughter will be reluctant to get back to some of her work (Conservatoire teaching) which would include a long commute via train....and of course young adults can pose a risk too. Orchestras, big bands, jazz groups even her brass quintet all will need special care. She has oddly been pretty busy during her shielding time, quite a few testing jobs have come in, including an orchestrating commission which she finished yesterday. I think she worried at first, but having a well equipped home studio has been so well worthwhile. 

      Hugs xxx
