Shielding lifting

  • 20 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi all,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe ?.

Im still trying to find out what to do when shielding finishes. I finished my 12 weeks on 11th June I’m high risk because of SCT in December 2019. All advice says when you have had. SCT in the last 6 months so I’m thinking after 6 months am I fine ? No one seems to know . Hoping GP coming back to me Monday . I haven’t received another shielding letter , my furlough has now finished and needs confirmation before starting again so currently I’m in limbo .

Gov website tells you how to shield , who should shield but not what happens at the end  ??

Any advice would be very welcome .

Also Choo , rest assured I also reacted very bad with some of the side effects of steroids I was on pre Chemo and SCT and put my family through hell which was so out of character for me . Try not to take it personally what your son says. We hurt the ones we love the most .

Take care jfd2165

  • Hi all,

    I am still digesting what all of the announcements for England mean for me. I think it is quite a confusing time. I think the bit that I am finding very helpful is the guidance about no longer needing to shield from those within your house from 6th July. For me, this was always the most draconian (and often impractical) part of the guidance. It gives me more confidence about my daughter going back to school. 
    There was a very clear part of the message from yesterday which has stuck with me. It is now estimated that 1 in 1700 people have the virus, in comparison to 1 in 400 a few weeks ago. Of course, you only need 1 person to pass the virus onto you and the risks to individuals has not changed, but that trend helped me to see that I am not walking into a very dangerous situation by allowing my daughter back to school. There is a risk, and that risk can never be eliminated. However, us SCTers know more than most how to make judgments on how to deal with that risk and i feel more confident now than I did a few weeks ago. 

    Stay safe everyone!


  • Erm, am I jumping the gun arranging a social night out on the 4th?



  • Mark, who knows, it looks like Boris is a role at the moment Joy

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mark, 

    a big night out might be a bit tricky?

    daughter has had her 4x A4 pages of the ‘lifting of shielding’ today in the post, very comprehensive! She says she will still continue for as long as she is able, but is very glad to see that priority supermarket slots will still continue!

    she forwarded it to me but I haven’t fully read it yet, been busy getting the remainder of our olive tree safely down to the 6 foot high trunk. That has been a major job over the last few weeks, so tiring cutting it all up that walks/exercise etc apart from my daily 10 minutes or so of yoga have gone out the window!

    Stay safe, all

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Mark,

    As long as 1700 people are not at your social event, you should be ok!Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Well done on the other thread btw! The first year can be a bit of a nightmare (another entry for understatement of the year there!) but it all gets better from here on in, so enjoy it!


  • Greg, now that would be an expensive first round.Joy

  • Deep pockets and bank account needed! JoyJoyJoy

    Hugs xxx


  • Moomy, I’m often told I’ve got deep pockets but short arms, must be the Yorkshireman in me! 

    I’ve just received a letter and free reusable and washable face mask from the RD&E at Exeter and a letter advising me to wear it when going to hospital, doctors or even going out in public. The beers out might be on after all. Beer

    Has anyone else received one of these? 


  • Daughter got her 4 page lowering of shielding NHS Govt. letter but didn't say if she'd got masks too, but her GP surgery plus her council have been very forthcoming and helpful. 

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Moomy,

    Yes I got the same letter yesterday but this came separate today from Exeter. For the NHS it seems pretty well made, I’m impressed. 

