joining group

  • 35 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hi everyone introducing myself as new to site , joined group as self isolating after stem cell transplant.

In hiding from germs in my den!

Hello group


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi moomy glad to here you are keeping yourself busy, the bread i do because one i cannot go out to shop and two if you knead then have a rest and stretch arms up, it is a good lymphatic workout done as well. If you have had breast cancer and help drain fluids and toxin build up.

    I am sorry your daughter is having problems, but i speak to lots even as far as new Zealand who travel by plane to merseyside hospitals, who all have problems, but rectify.It can take up to two years to build up.

    Speaking of which i got the hospital tomorrow, wish me luck, and give my love to your daughter, tell her shazam wants you to give her a really big hug.

    Thinking of you both always


  • Hi ,

    will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping all goes well for you. We need good news on this site!

    yes I agree about kneading, Good exercise, and will maybe do some traditional bread making, perhaps the second knead and bake? And of course since we’ve all had to slow down a bit, I’ve got the time (no excuses!) 

    I’m sure daughter would happily return hugs, To you as well as all of’s hard not seeing her (but for the best, just in case!) We are a ‘huggy’ family and it’s one thing that will be high on the list of ‘to do’ when we are able to meet up again!

    more hugs for you xxx


  • Hi Shazam 

    Welcome to the group. My son had his stem cell transplant 14th February after acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosis last August.  He is 25 and self isolating. 

    Wishing you well 

    Hayley x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cyprusfan

    Hi cyprusfan good to hear from you, your son as the exact same thing as me done, let me know how you are both doing, i am waiting for my ambulance, now this morning, to get my bloods checked.

    Hope to speak soom


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Shazam welcome to the group any questions you have somebody in this group will have an answer, somebody will have been through the experience and come out the other side. The SCT journey will be a rollercoster ride for sure but you can share your ups and downs with us we will know how you feel. I urge you have a look at some of the information Highlander highlighted he is a font of all knowledge concerning SCT to pinch his words don't ask "what if" ask "whats next" Trust your transplant team and don't be afraid to ask questions

  • Hi Shazam 

    Good luck in hospital.   Private message me if you want. 

    Long journey but you will get there 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cyprusfan

    Thanks cyprusfan, that is so lovely of you, but it could only come from someone lovely.

    I got back from hospital, security all over the police, you have to change your mask every two hours on my ward, i have never seen a hospital front so clear of cars, they get you out fast, i picked up my prescription and they told me come back to the ward, and transport was waiting to get me home, perfectly timed.

    I am absolutely wacked knackered now, and they usually phone me if anything wrong with my blood later.

    Lots of love and thinking of you 


  • Hello 

    So glad it went okay for you today.  I am sure that the ward you go to is really clean and safe. 

    Same with nicholas he is in and out  really fast thankfully.  His fatigue is bad the last 4 days or so.  It's hard to get him motivated!

    I can imagine you are knackered now. Stay in touch, here whatever time of day if you need a chat. 

    Hayley x

  • So glad they were able to get you in and out speedily, , sounds very efficient! 

    Take care and rest now....

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cyprusfan

    Hi cyprusfan had some much needed sleep , and came back to site, looked all over and typed the question send private message, but when i typed it came up no match. So i then typed in the question and did as the site told me. Went to my profile clicked on friends but no box came up. How do you get all who you are speaking to, to friends.

    There is no information ,how to get your friends listed you message in your friends section in the information given and guidelines.

    It would be nice to speak with you and your son.

    Love from
