joining group

  • 35 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hi everyone introducing myself as new to site , joined group as self isolating after stem cell transplant.

In hiding from germs in my den!

Hello group


  • Hi , 

    self isolating too, due to being over 70....

    Stay safe! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi again good to see you finding the group.

    As with moony I am starting week 4 in lockdown but doing good at the same time.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi moomy

    trying to get used to the site , maybe you have worked that one out already , okay i am sussed hands up. But i am trying.

    I am 48 and do not mind age it is just a figure it is not the person.

    You are doing amazing to be over 70 wow that s an achievement , big clap to you!

    You look after yourself to , big hug


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi again Thehighlander

    Yes i eventually found the group thank s to you , thank god your here!

    Big hug


  • Good morning , windy but bright morning up North so the garden can now get a long awated tidy.

    You may find some of our ongoing threads helpful:

    Life after a SCT - A Survivor's Guide where we have tried to collect or post treatment experiences.

    We all have some Amusing stories from our SCT journey to tell - have a look.

    Have great day.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Good morning Thehighlander , it is bright and sunny here in the merseyside area.

    Thank you so much for the information , i will take a look at those , and make good use of your time for giving them.

    Made bread last night , good work out for the lymphatic system kneading. I love the smell of bread cooking. When i first started working after leaving school , i used to have to pass a bakery at six o clock in the morning to get to work. The smell was wonderful you could smell it as soon as you turned the corner. Warm and inviting on a cold winter s morning , stood on cold concrete waiting for a bus after passing. That smell got me to work , imaging warmth.

    I cut the bases off cabbage and onions , before my seeds start off , to have something, still awaiting volunteers to get back in touch.My cabbage base is sprouting like there is no tomorrow , i will have full leaves soon from what people normally throw away.

    Enjoy your day , may it be filled with sunshine and good things and happy gardening taking your time and wearing protection. Those grandchildren are getting to you soon.

    Today i have copied a vintage pattern for a 1940s knitted jacket ,divine , gorgeous, cannot wait to start it and see the finished product.



  • Making bread - well done you and well done having flour..... I loved making bread Slight smile

    But unfortunately I have had to reduce my bread intake, so down to half a slice of wholemeal toast in the morning, no rolls etc.

    I have been put on a low carbs diet after my blood tests for my SCT Late Effects clinic a few weeks back showed I was pre-diabetic and had raised Cholesterol..... but the good side of this is I have lots about 5kgs (11lbs) over the past 5 weeks but this has slowed now as we are not getting our 2-3 mile walk every day.

    Before Christmas we cut back a good part of the overgrown section at the bottom of the guarded so as you know I am looking to put something in for the granddaughter..... but also looking at some raised beads and a deck area to grow some veg.

    I am out in my 'man shed' for the day. just finished sharpening all the cooking knives then will do all my woodworking tools (I used to teach joinery/carpentry) in readiness for getting on with some projects.

    Enjoy your knitting, my wife Fiona took it back up when I was having both my SCTs and knitted many baby stuff as both our daughters per expecting at that time....... down side was I was not allowed to meet the little ones for a number of months until my immune system had recovered.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi ,

    respect! I use a bread machine! And have done so for many years, now on my third as I think we wore the others out totally! I only buy bread when we are away on holiday now, and am very choosy when I do, it has to be a really really nice loaf! 

    it’s cooler here today, hopefully that will reduce the amount of idiots who are reportedly flouting the lockdown ruling, and we had a little rain overnight too, but it’s sunny now. 

    I’ve kept up some keep fit type stuff (it’s not me who is the SCT survivor, it’s our daughter but she has continuing problems, me - I am a breast cancer survivor - so far 2 years) and try to do an on the spot March/jog for 10 minutes a day plus some yoga too. And I’m colouring in again, as well as trying to get some piano self teaching (headphones on, so hubs doesn’t hear how bad I still am!) 

    Stay safe all

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi moomy hope you are having a nice day, i did not get time to read your story properly yesterday, so sat down this morning with a cuppa and a piece of home made bread i started last night, and read it properly . Also started some knitting and i have a few other projects on the go. One a triple barn star quilt. I been telling the highlander about how i have grown the base of veg and how well they are doing. Before my seeds kick in. 

    I am having people send a full peace about themselves but no reply feature only a email, which i do not think anyone just starting would venture into. They are expecting a two way conversation and if not it is considered to the public as quite rude. It looks like someone is shoving themselves in front of your face, look here s me only i have been through it and i do not care what you have to say, just read about me.

    I think i need a hug sent from you now, it is really off putting when someones trying to make friends, isolated.

    Big hug 


  • Hi ,

    that’s such an interesting idea, growing leaves  from the base of a cabbage, it’s something very new, so pleased it works for you (and will have to try it, too!) How long has it taken from stump to getting leaves? And do you think they will be ready to cut soon? 

    Hugs xxx
