Completed radiotherapy - side effects worse now…..

  • 6 replies
  • 8 subscribers


I have completed 25 sessions of radiotherapy and since I have finished the treatment, the side effects are worse than when I was receiving it!  Mostly the ‘runs’, stomach pains and feeling like you need to go to the toilet and frightened to pass wind, incase you pass something else!  ( I apologise if I’ve been a bit graphic).

Wondering if anyone else found this.



  • Hi  I have had a total of 45 sessions of radiotherapy over my years of treatments.

    The important thing to remember is, just like cooking food in a microwave there needs to be sitting time as the cooking continues once the food is taken out of the micro….... it’s the same with radiotherapy as it continues to work in and around the target areas (all my radiologists words)

    I had 10 sessions of radiotherapy to every lymph node in my body…….. 16 months later when I was being prepared for my next set of treatment my radiologist said that the 10 sessions I had 16 months back were still working in my immune system.

    Obviously ever situation is different so it’s worth comparing like with like so it may be worth putting your question up in the Womb (uterus) cancer group where you may find someone who has had exactly the same journey.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike

    Thanks for your reply. I know I was told that the radiotherapy continues to work for about 2 weeks after it has finished.  That’s a good analogy.

    I wish you well and hope you don’t have anymore radiotherapy to face. 


  • Hi again Mike

    I’ve just read your profile and have you been on a journey, to say the least.  You have done fantastic and you just never gave up.  I hope you are enjoying life now, you deserve to after everything you have had to deal with.  In comparison my journey started in October 2023 and my treatment had just ended this month, so that’s not even 1 year!  I take my hat off to you (if I had one on ;0)), for not giving up.  I wish you all the luck in the world to you and your family.


  • Thanks Ange  we all do what we need to do to keep ahead of the big unwanted squatter that invades our lives Wink

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Ange

    I finished pelvic radiotherapy in March this year and have had very similar issues which were limiting the amount of time I could leave the house without needing a loo. I'm a keen walker so this really was affecting my quality of life. My oncologist suggested I take loperamide which has really helped and I can manage several hours without the loo when I've dosed myself up. It hasn't solved the problem but has definitely made it more manageable so maybe worth having a chat with your team. 

    Best wishes Amanda x 

  • Hi Amanda 

    Thanks for replying.  Well done for finishing your radiotherapy and I hope you are well and getting out and about.

    I think I’ll see how I am after a week or so and if it hasn’t improved I will contact my nurse and see what she advises.  I know the radiotherapist said the side effects could get worse in the next two weeks before they get better.  I was just worried as the effects I have had were worse than while having radiotherapy.

    Good luck and best wishes to you.
