Radiotherapy after effects

  • 5 replies
  • 9 subscribers


25 sessions of adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy- finished 3 weeks ago. Hysterectomy in April. Chemo May June July Aug. Radio August/September

During treatment main side effects were tummy related and fatigue. Tummy is slowly settling.

However am very tired and getting a lot of achiness in my legs and hips. Not pain- just generally achy. 

I know this is to do with the radio as the main achiness is in area where tattoos are. 

How long did people find for side effects to settle. 

Had hoped to return to work soon but I am nowhere ready yet

  • I have six weeks of radiotherapy on my head. The side-effects aren’t too much achy but they are seriously affected my ability and now one year later this is still the case. My work I’ve been really great then been able to work from home. I know it depends what you do, option you can pursue it because side-effects may be much longer from my experience anyway. Also going to work albeit remotely does help because it gives me something you something else to think about 

  • Hi Charlotte. 
    I also had Radiotheraphy to my skull base a year ago and my side effects are still causing me problems. I’m still off work too, although I’m not sure I could even go back to the job I used to do. What
     side effects do you still have ? 

  • Hi Kat


     my mobility that has been affected and I now need to use a wheelchair 

    cognitively I’m okay at the moment luckily, so whilst I can’t go into my office, I can work from home

  • Hi Charlotte how are you now?

    I have a meningioma behind my right eye and recently had 6 weeks of radiotheraphy. I’m struggling with my vision from nerve damage and seem to have long term pain alongside migraines. This is affecting my return to work with trying to find the right type of medication to manage my symptoms. What’s is been like for you?

    I look forward to hearing from you, Iris 

  • Hi Kat  how are you now?

    I have a meningioma behind my right eye and recently had 6 weeks of radiotheraphy. I’m struggling with my vision from nerve damage and seem to have long term pain alongside migraines. This is affecting my return to work with trying to find the right type of medication to manage my symptoms. What’s is been like for you?

    I look forward to hearing from you, Iris