Radiotherapy & early Menopause

  • 1 reply
  • 6 subscribers

Hello everyone, I finished 25 sessions of radiotherapy for colorectal cancer middle of March. I have not had a period since then despite being regular beforehand and even during radiotherapy. Most evenings during the night I am waking up hot which has only occured since April. This is effecting my sleep. Does it sound as though I have entered early menopause due to the radiotherapy? I'm 39 and my treatment hasn't finished yet - I'll be having surgery to remove a recto-sigmoid tumour in June or July. What are the symptoms of early menopause & what are my options for controlling the symptoms? Thank you.

  • Hi

    I can't help with your questions but I noticed that you hadn't had any response yet.

    I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you also post this question in the bowel (colon and rectum) cancer group as there may well be ladies in that group who have had the same experience as you. Clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there.


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