Sick from work

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  • 2 subscribers

Hi all after some advice. I went off sick from work in December in my job I administration of medication and I couldn't concentrate properly plus constant urine infections. And work place really busBlush So spoke to mcmillian nurse on chat and my gp and they both said same not fit for work. My manager left on Monday she as been great. Got a call Tuesday asking me to go in for chat. I said OK. Then Blushalised there was covid in there so I rang back and asked them to confirm covid was in there. So I told them no I wasn't going with my operation coming up I wasn't going to risk it. I have been doingBlushhat ment to keeping in contact sick notes going in. Then I get another call yesterday asking for sick note and letter from g.p with what's wrong and procedure I'm having so informed them I don't havBlushanything like that I only have stuff from consultant. To be informed its company policy. So asked for copy of policy and I got sent Web site for direct got no work policy. Now do I have to give themBlushll details or am I right my sick note is enough sorry for the long one thanks Blush