Work - any ideas?

  • 1 reply
  • 2 subscribers

Hi All

Had some good news last week and my Peritoneal Cancer seems to have stabilised after the 10 rounds of Folfox I have had. - Just going to monitor for a while now and fingers crossed I'l get some feeling back in my fingers and feet!

I'm reasonably well and although I am probably not up to getting up and commuting to a 9-5 job (and after all who would employ a terminal cancer patient) I would like to find some sort of work to do.

My background is Healthcare Management (mostly Private) but I have also worked in customer service businesses including retail etc. 

My ideal would be some sort of part time home based work - maybe call handling etc. 

Anyone go any ideas where / how I could find such work and if employers would take on employees in my / our position?


  • Hi Steve

    That's great to hear that your peritoneal cancer is now stable after treatment.

    I was already retired when I was diagnosed with cancer so I haven't needed to get back into the job market. You might find this information from Macmillan on finding a new job helpful as it includes things like what you need to tell a prospective new employer.

    All the best with your job search.

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