Breakfast in Benidorm, Supper in Hospital

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Hi EVERYONE, Well, we had to get an earlier flight home because I was feeling terrible about theSaturday night of our second week! I stayed in bed Sunday but bey Monday, I just wanted to go home! We tried to get a flight for the Monday but the first direct flight from Alicante to Glasgow was Thursday!

We got home about 7ish from the airport and at 8pm, I was on phone to NHS24. After holding on for 50 mins I got through to a person enjoying asked loads of questions.  After about an hour or more, they said someone from Out of Hours Service would call. Another hour went by, OOH phoned back saying to go to A&E. I felt as if I had just wasted two and a half hours.

Our son took me and when we walked in, it looked like someone had advertised they were giving away £50 notes! Busy or what!

Got there just before 11pm, finally saw doctor at ;07.30. The triage nurse got files mixed up seemingly! Got to ward 20.15. Had supper in hospital

Friday, Saturday Sunday they were trying to get pain under control. My left leg was so swollen I couldn't get anything to put on my feet, they were so swollen. From my hip to my toes were swollen, red, burning, extremely paianful. There were 4 in the ward The patients and staff were terrific!

Sunday night transferred to different ward!, in the older part of the hospital, it is a madhouse!! Very noisy ward, phones constantly ringing buzzers constantly buzzing at night people shouting, nurses shouting down the length of the ward which is very large but separated into smaller groups but the centre goes from one end to other! I have to get an ultrasound (I hope today) looking for DVT. If that show's nothing they will do a full body scan, either MRI or PET scan of whole body to check for cancer! I don't know when that will be though. Just have to wait and see. No point in worrying! I don't do what ifs!! Will keep in touch! Love to all!

  • Oh Annette it's getting worse sending you big hugs   

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • You are so right Annette, couldn't make it up, but that's life for you, you think thing are ok ish then another pile of crap is dumped on you, I will pray for you, big hugsxxx

  • Oh great , covid ...that's what you would need now. Fingers crossed you can stay clear. Hope the scan is not to far away. And really i wish they get your pain under control. Big hug Pet

  • Hi Gang, another UPDATE, Thanks again for taking the time to read and reply. They mean a lot.

    Well here comes the curveball!

    my son came up this morning and had only been here about 15 mins when the staff nurse came over and said how very sorry he was but they were asking visito4s to leave immediately and were closing the ward due to possible Norovirus.. A lady in the ward died suddenly yesterday and they have been doing tests. They said they had not had it confirmed yet but due to safety guidelines, the ward would be closed until further notice,!,  unreal or what.

    The lady had been sitting talking o her visitors in the afternoon but at night she was sick and went a dreadful colour. There were only 2 staff on and we had a lady screaming like a banshee, cursing swearing and throwing things etc, so all their attention was on the wrong patient.    I will say no more.

    So now my son hasn't a choice, he's not allowed in or even drop things off.

    I'm scared to ask the question " Can things get any w=== We also missed seeing our granddaughter on her birthday for the first time in 11years. Please join Ulls and say a prayer, this is really tough.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Well, It's my own fault! I did sort of a ask the question Can things get any worse?

    I now know the answer is YES. The boiler has shut off so the heating has gone off. This part of the hospital was built in the 18th century so it is very old with very high ceilings and now it is, VeRainbow cold!!!  Probably because it is minus -6 tonight!! Brrr! Snow is forecast for tomorrow oh joy!!  RainbowSnowman

    I really am NOT making it Up!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh my goodness Annette, you are having a torrid time! I am glad the holiday was good until you felt poorly. But your hospital stay sounds far too interesting.

    I hope that you don't catch the Niro virus, you keep warm and they sort out the problems you have. 

    Love and hugs xxxx


  • Oh my word! No you couldn’t make it up. Sounds like some terrible film. Hope you can stay warm. And that you can get home soon! 
    love Jac x

  • Oh no Annette, the boiler should be among the first things to be fixed. Hopefully. The screaming, swearing, throwing things around woman sounds like what I went through in ward 17 of the Ulster hospital. Forgot to say that the woman was sedated only to be replaced by a man who threw stuff around. He was sedated too. I think both were transferred to a mental health unit. I remember that it was very worrying and frightening at times. 

    I suppose you can't even get transferred to another hospital in case you bring an infection or virus with you. You'll be glad to meet your family when you next see them. Has Vince been able to get to see you in hospital yet? I'm so very concerned about you Annette. How are things with your leg now? Hope there's a great improvement.

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi again Annette, I know that it's really important to you to see your grandchildren on their birthdays but this time it was unavoidable and it wasn't possible. Please don't dwell on that as I know as well as you do that it's more important that you get yourself well and get out of there back to the warm group hug from your whole family. Definitely something to spur you on.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • I've done a prayer. Everything will look different in a week, your health, the weather and seeing your family.xx