Breakfast in Benidorm, Supper in Hospital

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Hi EVERYONE, Well, we had to get an earlier flight home because I was feeling terrible about theSaturday night of our second week! I stayed in bed Sunday but bey Monday, I just wanted to go home! We tried to get a flight for the Monday but the first direct flight from Alicante to Glasgow was Thursday!

We got home about 7ish from the airport and at 8pm, I was on phone to NHS24. After holding on for 50 mins I got through to a person enjoying asked loads of questions.  After about an hour or more, they said someone from Out of Hours Service would call. Another hour went by, OOH phoned back saying to go to A&E. I felt as if I had just wasted two and a half hours.

Our son took me and when we walked in, it looked like someone had advertised they were giving away £50 notes! Busy or what!

Got there just before 11pm, finally saw doctor at ;07.30. The triage nurse got files mixed up seemingly! Got to ward 20.15. Had supper in hospital

Friday, Saturday Sunday they were trying to get pain under control. My left leg was so swollen I couldn't get anything to put on my feet, they were so swollen. From my hip to my toes were swollen, red, burning, extremely paianful. There were 4 in the ward The patients and staff were terrific!

Sunday night transferred to different ward!, in the older part of the hospital, it is a madhouse!! Very noisy ward, phones constantly ringing buzzers constantly buzzing at night people shouting, nurses shouting down the length of the ward which is very large but separated into smaller groups but the centre goes from one end to other! I have to get an ultrasound (I hope today) looking for DVT. If that show's nothing they will do a full body scan, either MRI or PET scan of whole body to check for cancer! I don't know when that will be though. Just have to wait and see. No point in worrying! I don't do what ifs!! Will keep in touch! Love to all!

  • Hi Annette, sorry for delay in responding to your post, I've just seen it, your body cirtinly makes life hard for you, but I agree with you son not to leave you in hospital by yourself, that would be a horrible experience.

    Pleased you liked your holiday, a nice warm sun if only for a few hours.

    Welcome home I hope thing start to go well for you and your family, 

  • Hi Annette I am so sorry to read this. I hope today brings some good news and you will soon be back home xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Oh my, Annette. You’ve had a right time of it. Sorry to read that you’re having a rough time. Hope it gets sorted soon. Sending love and hugs your way

    Jac x

  • Hi Annette so sorry to hear your news hope the hospital sorts you out soon and you get home soon sending you huge hugs xxx

  • Oh Annette, i just wanted to write you a email and now i see this. Oh Dear...i hope you now had the ultrasound or scan?? And got some answers?? Not a nice end for your holiday. I really hope your leg and pain will be better soon. Big hug, Pet

  • Good morning Annette, if you get thr time to answer how are you today, it's nice to see all you friends wishing you well 

  • i Morning Annette

    Hope you are ok, and you cannot log on, or no internet.

    Hopefully, they have done the ultra scan and your  bit more wise, and not long before they chuck you out.

    Snow in places, but hey it is only march,

    Love Ellie xxr, 

  • Oh Annette, I'm so worried about you, I'm not surprised you ended up in hospital I said to you that the infection would continue to spread without antibiotics, that was my main concern. I'm glad you are getting treated now

    As for the ward you're in now, area you sure you haven't been transferred to Ward 17 in the Ulster hospital? When I was in because of sepsis, that's what Ward 17 was like! It was crazy. Nurses shouting at patients, patients shouting at nurses, one particular patient was throwing everything he could reach around his side ward, I was in the next side ward. It was manic, I hardly slept the first night because mayhem was breaking out all around me!

    I hope that your next post will say that they have found the source of your infection and you're having treatment for it. 

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi GANG, Here is the UPDATE and I do appreciate your support. I will try and be brief.Tvman I'm in  Ward 15.

    Ultrasound. yesterday a mass of adhesions clinging to veins & nerves. Low Iron  deficiency at present.

    also found Heart murmur.

    Plan now is for me to have an Heart Echo. I've had ECG which looked ok.

    As they found it difficult to see much on Ultrasound and it was difficult to see and although they'd given me a PMD (pre medDose) the pains was horrendous!  Next thing is whole body scan.

    Just to keep things interesting when Nicola our daughter was here.this morning the staff nurse came to let us know that the ward was closing down due to Covid/Nora-virus  until further notice!

    Well get your lucky heather  here! As people here have said before YOU COULDN't MAKE IT UP!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi i am glad things are going in right direction, in they are looking at everything, like a car it is MOT time, and hope you  pass with flying colours as such,