“A SiT’s Progress”

  • 369 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My apologies for my recent absence from our little community – there are two reasons.

Firstly, I was quite deeply offended at the recent unnecessarily heavy-handed manner in which the powers that be dealt with our “offensive” behaviour – I think they maybe should recognise the specific circumstances that bring us together in this place and cut us a little slack…

Secondly, whilst all of that palava was unfolding, I was also going thru the Scanxiety nightmare of my 9 month test & scans and whilst the CT Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis report was Stable Mable, the CT Brain reported 3 mets which, as many of you know, in late-stage SCLC usually signifies the beginning of the end…

And so it probably is but my Oncs are not letting me go without a proper “tear-up” as the proposed new treatment is RT Brain (planning session next Weds at CUH), followed by a second go on the original chemo of Carboplatin/Etopside (which apparently is effective at crossing the brain/body threshold) and continuing with the Atezolizumab. He even said that there are “other” possible treatments after that…

It is quite interesting in that SCLC is usually not treated with Atezo and coupled with the incredible response since diagnosis, my onc said that all normal bets are off because this is new territory, even for them… We’ll see…

Much Love & Huge Hugs

Stay Strong


  • Hi SiT, So glad you’re feeling better and getting some sleep. That alone will make you feel happier too! Hugging

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to little-fi

    Thx Fi - Hoping you're still enjoying being back at work...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So good to hear that you’re feeling better  it seems to have been a long time coming. I hope the scan results will be positive too. My Oncologist said in complex cases like ours he goes on how we’re feeling first, then scan results then any blood tests. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thx Tina - feeling okay is way better than the alternative & let's face it, we know where it's going ultimately so we crack on...

    I am sooo impressed with your attitude & the things you have achieved inn the last few weeks - keep at it girl!!!

  • So pleased to see you back on here SiT! Good you’re getting more sleep and feeling a bit better.

    Take care


  • Hi 

    Glad to hear you're feeling better,  and good luck for your results. I have everything crossed for you.


    Love life and family.
  • So glad to hear that you are feeling better SiT, best wishes for the scan results x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Thx S & all...

    Results from brain scans inconclusive - there is activity but not sure if progression or WBRT effects so next scan 4-6 wks continue with new meds etc... etc... 

    Feeling ok but hands are weak & they feel a little "distant" - how odd...

    Is this weather FINALLY breaking? That can only mean that TheBastard may see the light of day again... Or maybe I'll just lose it somewhere... Hahahaha!!!!

  • Its all a bugger but we need pics of you on TheBastard to make all of us feel better. We are not well you know.

  • Or video of you falling off it, Si. Wearing appropriate protective equipment of course.
