“A SiT’s Progress”

  • 369 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My apologies for my recent absence from our little community – there are two reasons.

Firstly, I was quite deeply offended at the recent unnecessarily heavy-handed manner in which the powers that be dealt with our “offensive” behaviour – I think they maybe should recognise the specific circumstances that bring us together in this place and cut us a little slack…

Secondly, whilst all of that palava was unfolding, I was also going thru the Scanxiety nightmare of my 9 month test & scans and whilst the CT Thorax/Abdo/Pelvis report was Stable Mable, the CT Brain reported 3 mets which, as many of you know, in late-stage SCLC usually signifies the beginning of the end…

And so it probably is but my Oncs are not letting me go without a proper “tear-up” as the proposed new treatment is RT Brain (planning session next Weds at CUH), followed by a second go on the original chemo of Carboplatin/Etopside (which apparently is effective at crossing the brain/body threshold) and continuing with the Atezolizumab. He even said that there are “other” possible treatments after that…

It is quite interesting in that SCLC is usually not treated with Atezo and coupled with the incredible response since diagnosis, my onc said that all normal bets are off because this is new territory, even for them… We’ll see…

Much Love & Huge Hugs

Stay Strong


  • Hi 

    Firstly, you and me both my friend and secondly, I'm so sorry to hear that and I wish you good luck.


    Love life and family.
  • That all sounds nice and expensive. We all need a good result from that expense if you don't mind. Anyway, only the  good die young and you don't meet that criteria!

    I would send a hug but only if you were a lady.

    Find something wrong with this, mods.

    Come on, let's both make next Christmas.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to YoungMan

    Thanks to both of you for your kind words.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Really... economics??? I'm not well in case you hadn't noted...

    I'm having goose only 'cos it's the most expensive (unless you count swan but then I'm neither the Queen nor a poacher...) & it's on you (along with a Domaine de la Romanee Conti '86 and that'll REALLY break the bank!!!)

  • I wish I hadn't wasted my crocodile tears and mock sympathy on you.

    As a guest you should show you understand the correct etiquette.  Be grateful for scraps.

    You will be eating whatever is foolish enough to appear in front of my sights in the garden, washed down with Asdas finest. It will be vintage as no one would drink it last year.

    Anyway  I only put out the invite as you don't drink?

  • SiT and Norberry - play nicely or neither of you will get anything apart from your just desserts haha.

    Good luck with the treatment SiT and keep going. My 2 year cancerversity is on Feb 1st so anything's possible

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Another wagging reply!

    Congrats for Feb 1st, thats a fair old milestone.

    I'm only a bit humpy with SiT, he has all these women asking after him. Why?

    I couldn't even get a lend of a cushion for my poor old jacksie in the old step.. Thanks Salis and chums.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2

    Well... I'm not going now!!!! & Just desserts already on the menu... (hahahaha)

    Loving the "cancerversary" - looking forward to my 1st in April...

    Many thanks for your kind words JB2

  • Since I was diagnosed I have known two people I know (one a very close friend) drop off these mortal coils with cancer, and another with a heart attack (two in January). Just makes me thankful and hungry for more - we CAN do it. We might be incurable but we are also incorrigable.

    Per Ardua Ad Astra