Lovely morning chit-chat thread- March 2025

  • 69 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Morning all, Just setting up a new chat thread for March. If you want to catch up on February's chat you can click here but it will be closed. 

The chit chat thread is for:

"Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment."

  • Morning Patrick, it is overcast and cool here in Moray too. Which part of Germany are you living, I grew up in Germany and came over here over 40 years ago. Enjoy your Wochenende

    love Angie and Lilly xx

  • That's what we have been waiting for, clocks go forward soon, onwards and upwards,

  • I learned it years ago in a group for anxiety and depression but then packed it in again. Just come out of retirement with the help of a few YouTube tutorials

    Patrick xx

  • Morning Angie (and Lilly of course), I'm in a place called Oelde near Münster. My children and grandchildren are here so moving back to the UK has not been an option for a long time though there are things I still miss. Luckily I can get British sausages and pies nearby Slight smile. The treatment options seem to be the same, although waiting times are better here. Since the health system here is extremely profit-orientated, you sometimes have to watch out that you, the patient, is coming first and not money. Pros and cons everywhere. Have a great day.

    Patrick xx

  • Folks, it's still 1st March, how is this thread on page 2 already?? I can't keep up with you speed socialisers! Lol. Just saying hi and I love the basket weaving! I'm almost finished the head of a different frog pattern. Really struggling with mood and crying and life with cancer just now. Away from home. Gotta make it through tonight, will be easier with my cat back in abdn. 

  • Its a busy busy thread lol, thats why its changed every month.

    Always some one here when some one needs the, chat for a rant or anything.

    I have had a crap week, so you are not alone.

    I even said yesterday, when does one say enough is enough, so we all have low moods.

    I have done this for a long time, very grateful, though does get me down.

    But hey been a nice day, and tomorrow we do it all again.

  • Thanks   (and danke  ). Feeling low being "normal" or at least common, it kinda makes me feel better about it, like it's not my weakness. Ellie, I hope you have a good day tomorrow x

  • Of course its  normal, why wouldn't it be, we are human, normal people, though  we have an illness or a massive hurdle we have to keep getting over, and we do.

    You have a good Sunday as well/

  • Thank you Angie, I'm fine, just tired, lunch, the company was great, the food pretty average but the pottery class was great, even though I wasn't any good at it,

    I sold my house today, I only decided to yesterday, obviously there are some loose ends to tie up, but my little brother got a bargain and my middle daughter now has enough to buy her own place. My friend from my perspective Sheila's been away for ages, She's booked a mini spa break next week for us, before the trip to Scotland, and I noticed on the weather forecast your the warmest place in the country, I hope you could enjoy it, I'm with Mandy now, she says thank you.

    love Edie xx

  • Hi Patrick, was weaving easy to get back into, did it all come back to you, It's one of those things I have thought of trying many times, pottery was great, we just made a few bowls, and my arty friends are keen to try weaving, so thank you for reminding us about it.

    Eddie xx