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Lovely morning chit-chat thread December 2024

  • 323 replies
  • 51 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning Annette,  I have far too many puddings already, I took 8 to the hospice this week along with a few cakes, and Poppy gets plenty of pheasant, partridge and rabbit, I have a friend who supplies me, and she likes Halibut too even the mushroom sauce it's poached in, and weirdly she loves cake with coconut in... I must try to get some sleep my head.

    love Eddie xx

  • Good morning everyone, sunshine at last yippee, I do hope nobody has appointments today, if you have, my best wishes to you, I have a lunch out with a friend, It's her birthday, NO remarks thank you lol, then spending the rest of the day with my aunties and two Eldest daughters, lovely. before back to hospitals and appointments tomorrow.

    love Eddie xx

  • I have made a VERY rustic incense holder and painted it. It is quite satisfying and bought a smile to my face. 
    Tonight I will have Thai food with friends yum.

    Would like to ask for some advice on life with chemotherapy. Other lovely people who had the same regime, all say it is very tolerable, they lead almost normal life on it. People are working full time, running 5K regularly etc. But I found it is actually very tiring, can be very uncomfortable for a long time, poor appetite etc. I am pretty useless compared to others. Do you think I need to push more? Maybe force myself for a long walk every day? 

    Stella x

  • Hi Stella, I'm sure your incense holder looks fab for your first time, and if making it lifted your spirits and made you smile, it's worth it. 

    Stella I think you should find out what's causing your tiredness first, it's easy to point at your cancer or treatment, and sure,  they may well be responsible, but other things could play a part and maybe worth asking a professional about.

    Stella,  Macmillan have lots of advice on tiredness, on their "Cancer  information and support page", just type in Tiredness (fatigue). Sorry I can't help RE chemo, as my fatigue was due to radiotherapy and the sudden and complete loss of testosterone, which is only treatable through exercise.

    Eddie xx 

  • Stella

    If it brought a smile to you, then is was perfect in  every way.

    Not sure what combo of chemo you are having i had nine, it was changed after first one. as that caused a rare rare side effect though i did all the others, and have had radiotherapy.

    If i can advise i will, i had to alter foods, as all tasted of metal, surprising what you come up with, lol,

  •    please try not to compare your side effects with chemo to others, everyone reacts differently to treatment. The most important thing is to listen to your body. Try to eat little and often if you are struggling with taste, a little walk is always beneficial but if you are tired then rest! You need to be more kind to yourself, don’t compare yourself to what others are doing, just concentrate on yourself, because you are doing great!! 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you. I suppose I just want to be as close to ‘normal’ as I can. But maybe I just need to accept the new normal. Today I am going to finally filling out the PIP form. I have always been paying my income taxes and never dreamed of applying for benefits. It just feel so wrong. 

  • Personally I have no idea about benefit claim forms, but if you don't fill in the forums you will never no if you're entitled to the benifits, good luck.

  • Because you have been paying your income tax all those years, is exactly why you should claim now. With everything you are going through, you shouldn’t have to worry about your finances as well. Do you have anyone to assist you with completing the form? CAB are really good with these type of forms, or you can contact someone in the Ask a Financial Guide  group to help. You could also call macmillan for assistance on 0808 808 00 00. They can go through all of your finances and see what other benefits you may be entitled too. Apologies if you already know all this, but may help others who are reading as well . 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Good advice Chelle, and yes Macmillan have a welfare unit.