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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Can't remember when I got my first set of hearing aids, but I'm on my 3rd set which are at maximum sound level, so going to need a new set soon.

    I quite like the choice first they are on if I want them to be and off if there's to much noise, perfect.

  • Morning to You All

    Few people where up and out early, i am getting later each morning on getting up.

    Hey no one to answer to, only myself, and i do tell me of.

    Hope appointment if you have any go well.

    I am on kitchen duties today, now i can see better, going to clean the tiles.

    Enjoy you day everyone.

  • My husband got some new hearing aids, on the NHS. They are amazing! State of the art, bluetooth so he can hear phone calls. I believe they cost about £2000. And he got them free! I can't believe that.

    What upsets me is that he doesn't put them in if there's only me around, so I still have to shout! 


  • Good morning all. Got my new tiny hearing aids this morning. NHS newest they have. My diabetic sensor is pared with them so when the alarm goes off its in my ear and doesn't have everyone looking to see were the noise is coming from. Also pared with my phone so calls and converstions go straight to my ears. Annette I've got the in the ear ones from spec savers but my ears really itch with them,. Ulls these are my 3rd from NHS but I've got another private set. Xx


  • Yes there great. I had to wait 2 weeks for them to come. Really pleased with them. Yes calls straight to ears also my diabetic censor straight to them. I put mine in when I get up and take them out for bed. Have a good day Kate xx


  • That's clever, being paired with your diabetic sensor. How useful!

    Isn't technology coming on in leaps and bounds....or am I getting old? New things seem to appear so quickly now.

    Can't keep up!

  • Hi Ellie, yes we are a right pair, eyes and ears. Lol. Oh I just go with the flow get up when I'm ready but it's early mostly. I do put the alarm on when I have morning appointments.  Have a good day. XX 


  • I am done for the day, all tiles in kitchen done, why have i got a big kitchen, need a small one.

    Light rain off and on today.

    Dinner prepared now me time cuppa, and check if i am still solvent, happy days one hopes lol

  • Just had our evening meal and relaxing with a cup of tea and watching the tennis.  Done for the day. Am rather tired was at the hospital at 8am appointment, so think it's an early night for me. Hope your all having a good day. XX
