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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Alana hope you had a good night, yes this sire can give alot of support cos we know that we're all going through the same thing even if we're at different stages. I hope you have a good day.XX


  • Good morning all, and it is a good morning a few clouds but lovely and sunny, no doubt the dog walking club will be out lead by Lee.

    Mama Bear will be pondering her next disaster, Lol I certainly hope not.

    I wish you all a very good Sunday 

  • Morning All

    Every one up and bright, happy days.

    Its Sunday Day of Rest, well i am going to take notice, i am shattered, to much work yesterday, true saying, >

    The Devil Makes Work for Idle Hands, well he must have had me on over time yesterday.

    Papa Bear no more problems' will be  falling over the edge.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    I have my son coming over, this morning, after he has dropped his wife of to work.

    Have a few little simple  jobs for him, three bottles jay's |Fluid  have tried and tried i

    cannot get the tops of, sure he can lol

    Need a New Freezer, need him to check right size. has to go out my porch .

    Then mum and son chat 

    Enjoy the nice  weather, if you have it.

  • Good morning Ulls, yes blue sky and sun here. I've had breakfast,  done what house work needs doing and enjoying  the Gymnastics now, I do luv the Olympics. How have you been sleeping lately  are you still on the steroids. What are you upto today, what ever it is have a lovely day. XX


  • Good morning Ellie,  yes my hands are weak when it comes to opening bottles and jars. Enjoy your sons visit and the sunshine Sun with face have a lovely day. XX


  • Morning Bev,  I remember us talking about our kids about 5 months ago as ours were of a similar age and having problems coming to terms with our cancer.  Would like to say everything is ok but can't,  Sorry  your down days go on so long it must be an awful time for you, hope you get to see your psychologist soon, love that you have such a wonderful neighbour,  take care 

    Eddie xx 

  • Good morning Moi, slept a bit better last night (hooray). I am watching the Olympics too. We had our Highland Games here yesterday and a lot of very jolly characters stopped just at the other side of the  railway bridge for a wee comfort break last night. Always the same every year.  Joy Watching the swimming now and after that the three day eventing cross country.  I have been feeling a bit under the weather the last few days, so a few cosy days at home are not a bad thing at all. Lilly is very happy that she is getting so much nap time on my lap. Hope you have a lovely Sunday l

    love Alana and Lilly xx

  • Hi everyone,  hospital tests last Thursday and Friday , didn't lead anywhere as expected, though we had a nice couple of days in Cambridge, having a couple of days in Hunstanton on way home, weather fab,  hope your all getting it  and have something nice to do today. take care. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Glad that bit, has been done.

    A couple of days away  does you the world   of good,  say the weather was kind.

    Been lovely here as well, i have done nothing today, but talk, with my son for three hours, was nice

  • Hi Ellie, that's great you can talk for 3 hours with your son, I'm lucky to speak to my boy for 20 minutes, though I am so happy we are good together again after a difficult time, my girls can talk all day, mostly about things I have no idea about but t doesn't matter it's just nice being with them.

    Eddie xx