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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • So glad  you  popped in, as not seen you all week, and you do start to think, is  everything good,.

    Me time and shopping, why not, make he most of it, we all need me time.Raised handThumbsup

  • Yep' I've not popped my cloggs just yet Just me time n back soon , nice your all well 


  • I did not mean popped your  clogs, might not have been feeling 100 per cent.                                              That's good you take as much me time, as you want lol

  • I knew that , take care


  • LOL It made me laugh though, you could have been taking your dog on a long long walk, your ok, that is good, right phoning ringing, 

  • I have a MacMillan centre about 25 mins away from home. The nearest Maggies is about 50 minutes and the same for clan house. Pouring with rain here this evening. Thank goodness it has stopped now. Time for a peppermint tea with honey I think. Sleep well 

    A good night to you all from Alana and Lilly  xx

  • Hi Russell, and a warm, If late, welcome to the forum, "hospital", though I have posted you before about 1 month ago on the new to the community forum which is a big step joining the community and an even bigger one joining this forum, I used to just read the posts until a personal request was put out by one of the amazing ladies on here 9 months ago. Russell I am on a few forums and saw you were still waiting for your PIP application to be approved, I am on PIP thanks to the help of one of my Macmillan nurses and one of my consultants and as you said it was backdated, If you have any problems with your claim I would be happy to help. best wishes.


  • Good morning all. The sky is blue here so we might get some snow ! Ha ha. No yesterday started blue sky then come 10am grey and overcast till about 6pm. Well you'll get no sense from me for the next 2 weeks I'll be watching the Olympics, Gymnastics this morning can't  wait. All have a good day. XX


  • Good morning  Bev, I'm sorry to hear your having a tuff time. My youngest daughter is a god send, we hear and see her more than the other 3 who live 45 minuets away, she lives in Ibiza. I didn't think my eldest would be so selfish and my stepsons can't  even give there dad a phone call. I just say Karma. ( I done want any of them to het this illness) I am glad your going for councilling, to help you through this bad time, it does help.  So does standing in the kitchen and scream at the top of your voice, that help me lol. Hang in there lovely girl and keep posting. Sending hugs XXX


  • Hi Lee glad your having a rest and shopping and enjoying your break, I luv being on a break and getting on with life, without going the hospital. Take care. XX
