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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi everyone, hope everyone is OK. I've been feeling meself getting more down over the past couple of weeks and today the tears came as they are now while I'm writing this . I'm back to asking myself why me,as we all do in this situation, I don't even no what to write as I can't put into words what is going round in my head as  there is that much.i want to write my kids letters for when I'm gone but then I think am I tempting fate, I want to put things in memory box for them for the 1st xmas I'm not here but then I think if I do that is that saying I won't be here for this xmas. I've had no emotional support for weeks and weeks and that's including my own grown up  children  in fact it's been weeks since I even seen any of them let alone asking how I am. I'm that fed up I don't even want to message them . Anyway thankyou for reading my moan .take care xx

  • Ho my goodness Bev, you have an absolute right to moan rant rage, and scream at the world, and crying is a must, best way to get rid of pent up emotions.

    Kid's can be a pain in the Ass, empathy is an odd emotion, only people going through the same problems understand it, kid's don't, you're the mam, you'll be alright, I'll call in later, that's how they think, sorry I can only offer you a very big hug .

    We all get down, have you tried counselling, it worked for me.

  • No one understands the emotions and what goes on in your head unless they are in the position we are in . I have the number for my phycologist I will ring her on Monday and make appointment x

  • Good morning Bev, your poor soul feeling so low. I have got memory boxes too. Started doing them when I was diagnosed. My children loved that idea. Once another Christmas has passed, I start a new one.  You could give the MacMillan helpline a ring. They are very good as I found out myself recently. I was blown away by their compassion, kindness and understanding. If I ever need a pick me up again, they would be my first port of call. Do keep posting here, l found it does give me a lot of pleasure to be able to chat with the group. It’s a kind of feeling of belonging for me. Hope you have a better day today.

    Love Alana xxx

  • That's good Bev, I hope with all my heart that life takes a better turn for you.

  • Thank you Alana  . I'm going to book in with my phycologist . I get like this every few months I can feel it coming over me weeks before I get this bad. I should have booked in earlier to see her it's my own fault. I tried to explain to my son how loneliness and a power full mind is not good when you dont have emotional support.his response was why don't you get a job. If only things were that easy . My daughter said she hasn't been to see me for weeks  as she has not been herself and is trying to be strong . God im still on rant. Sorry x

  • You just rant away Bev. How old are your children? I have 3 grown up ones myself and 4 1/2 grandchildren. The half one is due to be born over the next week and will finally get to b a full grandchildSmileySmiley. Children can be a tad challenging sometimes in our circumstances. Do you have a Maggies or a Clan centre near you? They are a great place to chat to other people and enjoy a coffee in peace xx hope you have a good weekend. 

    love Alana and Cat xx

  • Good Afternoon, where has the Morning gone to..

    Think its time to call it a day, after what i have accomplished, shattered now.

    Very warm and humid here.

    I have not see Lee all week, hops he is busy doing nice things.  While weather is being nice for us.

    You all enjoy the rest of your day.

  • My children are 39 35 and 28. But the youngest has only been back in my life a year so I don't like to put on him . My daughter basically can't be around me as all she sees is my illness she says. Well she will live with the guilt the rest of her life. No we don't have a maggies or a clan centre in fact I've never heard of a clan centre. My next door neighbour is a god send to me. She has just dragged me out shopping for couple hrs. The cheek ha ha came back with loads stuff I didn't  need or want but you can't leave a shop empty handed can you ha x

    • Hi Ellie Wave  yes I've been looking after myself on my break (shopping ) I've been having some me time, hope you are all doing well and good 
