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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning all, everyone is on the ball this morning, good one.

    Well the problem i had, was found a rather large hole blown in pipe, underground, thank goodness.

    That's why the house had no pressure, shower, washing nothing worked not even me, two lovely men that did the job, i did e mail the  company and informed them what a real good job, they done.

    My Freezer broke Saturday, it is quiet a big one, lost every thing, well lets say, the kids had what they wanted, and the rest had to be thrown.

    Have no idea what i will be having tonight. though i am easily pleased.

    Going out shortly, will not be long, just a check up, 10mins down  the road.

    Very humid again and 23  at moment.

    Glad every one seems good, not seen Lee for a few days, hope they are ok, and enjoying  their  time of treatment.

  • Your right Ulls, mines me blood. I'm so glad your chemo is bringing your numbers down. I honestly think just listening to our bodies is the best advise. I'm having a lazy day today over did it yesterday, (as usual) I never learn. Have a good rest xx


  • Afternoon Ellie,  good to hear your waters been restored, and by 2 lovely men would you like to add anything to that, best wishes with your check up,take care, 

    Eddie xx 

  • Good afternoon Ellie, how splendid you got your water problem sorted. Pleasant day here with sunshine, hooray. I have spent the last hour trying to track a missing parcel. Only the knowledge that my hair is thinning has prevented me from pulling it out in frustration. Honestly they sometimes make you lose your will to live. 

    hope everyone has a lovely afternoon 

    love Alana and Lilly xx

  • LOL I am in the same boat, for not pulling my hair, my treatment really effected it. out

    Well went for check up for eye, well, get there, or we cannot do it here, got to go to spec s at lakeside.

    The one i had was Spec s local.

    The man even phoned yesterday make sure i was still going, the spec s at lakeside phoned me Sunday, to make sure the appointment was booked.

    When my daughter picked me up, i said get this out the way, and i have a free week coming up, no go back Monday

    So my hands are tied lol

  • Just looked at that, might be getting eyes sorted, not there yet, still mistakes.

    Only thing new, is my new knickers i bought today, and thats with the good eye lol lol

  • Two lovely men, in what way add any more, i did e mail their manger and he replied to me today, thanking me, and saying he will see they get reward, could be a cream cake.

  • That was very kind of you. Sadly enough in this day and age folk complain very quick about everything. Not often that they say thanks for a job well done. Hope you get your appointment sorted. I live in expectation that one of these days I will find out where this magical place is where all the “lost in transit parcels” are  JoyJoy . Have a good evening everyone 

    Love Alana xxx

  • They get lost all in Father Christmas  Warehouse, stocking up to be delivered DEC 25th.

    Hope it turns up soon.

  • The answer to that is an auction house in London, they are supprise lots, no one noes what's in you just bid on single and multiple lots.