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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • I'm not back on line yet...Thursday is the day for the engineer to come out. I'm at my husband's again, checking my messages on his computer.

    I'm missing my 'fix' of the forums! Hope engineer turns up.

    Off to dog groomers with Candy in a minute. She HATES going!

    Hope everyone is OK today.

  • Good morning all, had 4th chemo on Friday and as usual my body seams to go to a lump of jelly, so bed and sleep for a couple of day's, had to get up on Monday, appointment with oncologist who gave me some good news, the chemo is working, PSA down from 28 to 9.

    Scan's next, being arranged, to confirm blood readings.

    Still had to go to bed early 8 pm last night got up at 9.30, I don't mind the side effects, so long as treatment is working. Yippee Smile Thumbsup

  • So  pleased Ulls, a  little solider, keep up the fight.

  • Hi Ulls, I'm really pleased to hear treatment is working, do whatever your body tells you and my best wishes for the scan, yippee indeed, take care.


  • Good afternoon Ulls, such good news about your results. I am very happy for you. It’s giving such a warm feeling reading positive posts. Good luck for your eye appointment tomorrow Ellie and to anybody else who is waiting for test results. If I experience a little hick up on the way, my MacMillan nurse always tells me “you have survived too many storms to worry about a few raindrops”. I like that saying very much. Hopefully nobody will have creaking floorboards, caved in roofs, blocked toilets (perish the thought) or any other structural disasters tonight.  Have a cosy evening everybody and a peaceful night’s rest. 

    Love Alana and Lilly xx 

  • I like that also, i have been  threw the storm i can now see the sunshine.

    Till the next storm arrives. Yes its only a check up, to see if new lenses have settled down.

  • They is really nice too Ellie xx sure there will be a few kicking about xx

    Alana and Lilly xx

  • That’s wonderful news  x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks to all for the good wishes

  • Good morning everyone. I’m up early as we are off to the Isle of Wight for the day to meet family for lunch. Hope everyone has a good day, I think the weather is looking promising today. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge