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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Good morning all, haven't been on here for a while, bloods all over the place again, but getting sorted. Family issues being left to me to sort out again, I'll just say be careful who you let close to you, boy do they moan and cry when they are found out, so 2 more OFF the Christmas card list. I don't have the time or effort  to waste on a_ _ e h_ _es. But I'm  back. Big girl knickers have been on lol. X


  • Oh Ellie, what a time your having, glad your heated discussion with your son has been sorted and a good discussion helps to clear the air. I'd have a right gob on if your shower is playing up, yours is a new bathroom not long fitted. At 7am it was blue sky and sun out, well that was an hour ago overcast and dull 15 here now . Hang in there girl, love Moi XX

  • Hi everyone

    Haven't been able to post since yesterday, when my broadband went down. A result of having my roof must have disturbed the cable somehow.

    So I've de-camped to my husband's house to use his computer, so I can check in and see what's happening on here.

    Sorry that you're having a hard time at the moment deserve a break somewhere!

    Moi, I admire you for being so clear about what you will tolerate from others!

    I've given up my Christmas card list....stamps are too expensive!

    Hope everyone else is OK this weekend.

    Chins up! Tomorrow will be a better day!


  • Oh Ellie it sounds like you’ve had a horrid few days. Hope this new week will be better for you. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Good Morning To You  All

    Well a lot cooler here, which is nice.

    Thanks for the messages and comments posted, appreciated.

    Think there is quiet a few things going on, in everyone's lives, and hopefully things will settle down for everyone.

    Had company yesterday, and Saturday, start of another week.

    If any one has appointments, hope they go well, i have a eye appointment on Wednesday, just to check after the cataract procedure,.

    Have a good day all.


  • Good morning all,  well Ellie another day another dollar. Its overcast 17 but doesn't look like it. Going to armchair yoga at 12.30, the last 15 minutes is meditation and it really calms me down and relaxes me. Hope you have a good day. XX


  • Good morning Kate hope your back on line and the roof is completed ASAP. I only send cards to people who mean alot to me, the rest get a message on Facebook. Lol. I'm of to armchair  yoga later, to get rid of some tension.  Have a good day xx

    • Moi
  • Good morning Chelle,  hope your well, I'm ok,  well getting there, as we all are. Have a good day. xx


  • Morning Ellie, No doubt we all have a few things going on but it's nice to get support from our club when we need it, no plans today, so may tidy garden at home,

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Moi, enjoy your armchair meditation sounds wonderful.

    Eddie xx