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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • That's what I told them last time 9 hours on a trolly then said that was all they could find high blood pressure  and sent me home. XX


  • Thanks Eddie, no joke is it, your lucky you were already in hospital. I'm was in the middle of a bloody restaurant.  I will go the hospital next time or my gp will murder Mr lol. xx


  • Evening Eddie, I was given a card with a phone number to ring if I needed to go to A&E. thankfully only ever needed it twice but no waiting around in reception area. It was very beneficial because the Doctor had already checked my records prior to my arrival. how are baby and mum doing ? Xx

    Alana xxx

  • evening Alana,I hope you are ok, mum and baby are well thank you, as am I, Alana that's so nice of you to ask lol, our health authority does a sort of red flag system, where if your "knackered" you get seen a lot quicker and not just A+E but by your GP too. 

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie

    It's good to hear that mum and baby are doing well!

    Luckily, there doesn't seem to be a problem getting appointments at my GP practice. 

    I'll be there tomorrow, hoping to get referred to a 'new' specialism for me, Gastro-enterology. I may even get a referral to my nearest hospital, instead of the one 70 miles away. We'll see....


  • I am very fortunate with my GP surgery. I get an appointment ,if not on the day I phone, the following day. From Receptionists to GP’s s and everyone else in between a courteous and friendly bunch. You hear such horrible stories  about weeks of wait to see your GP.

    glad you are all fine Alana xxx

  • Thank you Puddock, good to hear your GP service is working as it should, good  luck with the gastroenterology request, is the 70mls away one NHS D&G, I hope you get somewhere closer too, I hope you and Candy are ok.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Alana I can't fault my surgery either, I get to see my 2 preferred GPs usually within 24 hours if i want and I get their last appointment of the day so if we need more time we have it, PS many 15 minute appointments have gone over a  hour.

    Eddie xx

  • Well make the most of it, cannot get an appointment here, yes we have to wait 2 to 3 weeks, thats if you can get threw, the guards, when one phones up.

  • Oh Ellie, surely you must get preference treatment. I am truly shocked that you have to wait such a length of time. 

    love Alana and Lilly xx