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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Nope, not really, they ask all your symptoms of why you want to see a Dr, then debate whether a nurse could  see to it and so on, its a third degree, then i play my  ace card.

  • Hi Ellie. My surgery operates a first come first served policy as a rule, but for those of us with significant health issues we are prioritised, I'm truly saddened to hear you don't get this. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Morning all ! Nice and early dry no sun, early dog walk then food shopping Disappointed nothing exciting but it gets me on my feet I suppose, hope you're all well and any appointments go well have a great day and take good care


  • What’s a GP? I don’t think my surgery has one. Or a receptionist. You can’t phone to make an appointment, or go in to speak to a receptionist, it is all done online, and it is not an easy process. Then if you are lucky a “GP” will phone you within 3 days, but if you need to see someone it will be a nurse. It’s an awful system, but one I am told is being introduced nationally so watch this space. Could all depend on the results of the election of course. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Morning Chelle that's the worst system i have ever heard off, and it's being rolled out nationally, that's a disgrace, almost certainly some pen pushers idea on how to save money, catch and treat peoples health issues ASAP i the best way to save money, any idiot knows this as I have just shown.


  • Morning Lee, did I hear you have a month off, that's great if it's true Ringo will be delighted, I have food shopping too, YIPPEE, 


  • I agree Eddie....and it's the best way to marginalise people who have no access to the internet.

    It's become very difficult for my mum, who is 93, to make appointments, even though she can use a phone. She has never been near a computer, or an Iphone, or laptop.....

    My sister does all this for her, thankfully. But not everyone has that support at home.

    I can remember our first 'family doctor'. You just turned up and waited, in a tiny waiting room. First come, first served. No receptionist, no nurse, just the doctor on his own. He would come out and make home visits too, at night and at weekends. Those days are long gone!

  • Morning Puddock usually with a two tier system some people benefit, nobody benefits with this one on the patients side, 

    Edie xx

  • Good morning, you are so right with what you just wrote. No doubt if it should be rollout nationwide, someone or some organisation will take the issue to court, for the reasons you  stated. Hope eveone has a good day  Thumbsupxx

    Lobe Alana and Cat x

  • Morning, your like the early bird, i have just come done, did work hard yesterday.

    Thats my excuse, you enjoy your day, every day is exciting.

    Little fresh this morning, that is the weather. though dry.