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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Lee

    I had a big breakfast  yesterday was lovely, eat so much, did not even have dinner last night.

    Glad your now full and siting rocking away, good one.

    I have been on phone for an hour, time to make a move, later

  • Hi Lee, good to hear from you, a big breakfast lucky you, I'm on logan berries, fresh from the allotment and yoghurt  you have a lovely weekend too.


  • Hi Alana, seems we are both bog standard, we have a lot in common attitude wise, though I do love animals I prefer people, and reading hardly ever watch TV and I  am very well mannered 6ft tall and have Hazel eyes, Sheila and I have our  moment's, would love to tell you what she's doing right now but you're far too young. Alana I know nothing about this oncologist only he has asked mine if I would go to see him. When/if I find out will  decide then. Train journey is fab no cramping up, having to peel your hands off the steering wheel or falling over getting out the car because your legs are asleep. Have a great time at the wedding, who knows who you will meet

    Eddie xx 

  • Dear me, can’t think that anybody would want too JoyJoy   They would return me at the first light of day x honestly as long as I have my family, Lilly and my books and music I am a happy. Once bitten twice shy springs to mind xx 

    Alana xx

  • Hi Alana, I have never been married and only had 2 partners all my life, my first, we met when she was 3 weeks old and i was 1 day old and as our family's did everything together, we spent a lot of time together and we were pretty inseparable from a very early age like siblings, best friends or soul mates, until the hormones kicked in and our relationship moved on. We were together 41 years, loved her from a very early age and loved her more and more as the years passed, but I ended our relationship in 2005 and it still hurts at times, and 18 months later met Sheila, I am the most open person I know but everything else is private.

    Eddie xx

  • I think you have it spot on Eddie. Certain things should stay private between the people concerned. You are very lucky to have found 2 soulmates in your life. 

    Alana xx

  • Hi good morning everyone, I got results back from my mri and mri with contrast on my skull, no changes! Yay! I did feel like there were new growths but hey I’m not going to argue with good news! Blush Second drug of the chemo is a killer! 3 more days.

  • Morning Alana a 3.30am posting, is that because of your usual sleeping issues or has the wedding and reception played a part, my first partner has and will always be one of the most important people in my life, she's an enormous part of the family,  we share 4 kids and 8 grandkids and is a wonderful mum and nan  and loves and is loved by everyone and that includes me. Anyway Alana, how did the wedding go,  hope you had a good time, 

    Eddie xx 

  • Good Morning, that's great news, I am so happy for you, sorry to hear the chemo is hard on you, but knowing it's working must make it a little easier to cope with,  best wishes for your next treatment, take care. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Good Morning Lindasue

    Pleased to hear no changes, we will take that.

    Sorry the chemo is a B....r but you can do this, as you are showing.

    Onwards and Upwards.