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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning, sorry a few hiccups for you at the moment, though things will calm done.

    Well   little grey here, though does not fill cool, still in   my PJ's though bed is stripped, amd a gammon ham cooking.

    Have quiet day, daughter and son was in yesterday, so i will have a me day.

    Cough the  last bit of the football, well another match out the way.

    You take care 

  • Thanks Ellie, hope you have a cosy day yourself. It’s overcast and not exactly warm here. Time for my morning coffee and might make a marble cake this afternoon

    Love Alana xxx

  • Hi Alana and Lilly, I meant grapefruit, the "holiday" is great but not a lot of relaxing yet, so sorry for the mistake, bet your glad I'm not your pharmacist. so your diet has had to change because of cancer too, mines a pain in the arse or more accurately to prevent a pain in the arse due to having anal gland removed, RT damage and anal fissures, I hope your not having breakfast reading this. cool here too, but dry and everyone has gone to Oban so just 3 of us, and the heating's on, fab, snuggling up sounds perfect for today.

    love Eddie xx

  • Morning Ellie and thank you, may not be resting but I'm doing the things I love, It's cool here though we are 500 miles north of you. I'm no football fan but I do want them to win as it stops my mates being miserable all day, have a nice day Ellie whatever your doing.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie, my diet had to change mostly due to the graft. And I can feel your pain at your posterior as I get 2 injections every 4 weeks into my unmentionable. Believe you me they are not for the faint hearted, and sitting for a few days has to be very carefully arranged.    When all is said and done it is a small price to pay. Have a lovely evening everyone and a peaceful night

    Love Alana xx

  • Hi Alana, the unmentionables really do have a tough time and there doesn't seem to be any let up, as you say just get on with it, though it's my aunties birthday today, made lots of yummies and I'm limited to 1 treat, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning All

    Here we go again its Monday, god where do the days go to, whizzing by.

    I did not want to get up, them bones them bones.

    Only good thing its not raining, so i  Might Cut my grass, that is a Big Might.

    Every one that has appointments, hope they go well.

    If your having treatment, just think another one bits  the dust.

    Enjoy your day every one


    • Good morning Ellie and all. All housework done, by Ray mostly. Treatment this afternoon, not cooking tonight, did it yesterday so just needs heating today. Careful cutting the grass. Xx
    • Moi
  • Hope your treatment went well, and your resting

  • Evening Ellie, hope you are ok and had a nice day,  just catching up, not many posts today on chit chat today I hope all is well, early start tomorrow so off to bed,  good night.

    Eddie xx