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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Oh Kate, No wonder you are frazzled! You certainly did not need that at one in the morning! It just seems harder and harder to get tradesmen who want to do the work! A while back, I had called about 5 tradesmen to come and fix a tap. 2 didn't turn up, 2 came and said it would be no problem and they would send me an estimate, I never heard back from them! 1 gave me a quote, arranged to call the following week, to fit a washer but didn't turn up. I ended up phoning the place I bought the taps and they said these taps don't have washers! I have now ordered a new tap which should come on Tuesday!

    Will this be covered by your House or Buildings Insurance? If so, at least they will arrange to do the work for you! Good luck!

    I hope you have managed to clear up the mess, it is not easy when all you want to do is go to bed! Of course it did have to happen during a Holiday Weekend, when no one wants to work!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I did clear up most of the mess last night, and my husband is coming over (he lives a few miles away...long story!) to help me today. There aren't many tradespeople round here, but I have a couple of leads to find one.

    I'm just annoyed with myself for not getting the repair done promptly! 

    I know what you mean about taps...I've had that problem too in the past. They probably think it's too small a job to come out for, yet having working taps is essential!

    I did say to Eddie and Ellie that I needed to wash my floors...

  • Morning Kate, that's an awful thing to happen, I hope you and Candy are ok, and you can find someone to fix it soon. Don't want to scare you, but be careful picking a roofer It's an easy job for the cowboys, Though hopefully you are insured, unlike me. take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Erm, no, actually I'm not insured. I did take out special 'empty house' insurance whilst I was having building work done, before I moved in....and after that expired, I've never got round to setting up new insurance.

    I know about cowboy builders....I accidentally employed one to do my house, and then sacked him half-way through the work! Before the roof repair had been done. It was all happening when I got my cancer diagnosis, so I just focussed on that, obviously, for a while. It was a challenging time!

    I did manage to get the house finished....except for the roof repair. 

    Ah well, at least we should have summer weather, the best time to get work done!

  • I have never bothered with insurance Kate as being an ex carpenter could do any job myself, except electrical, got fed up electrocuting myself LOL, I know there are on line sites like trustatrader  and checkatrade but i know nothing about them so couldn't recommend them, builders merchants can sometime help you find someone and i know AgeUK have a repairs helpline, though i think your repair might be too big for them. Eddie xx

  • Ho my dear candysmum, what a night you've had, I wish I lived closer so I could offer you help.

  • Thanks very much Ulls! it's ok....I've cleared the mess up (for now) and will spend the next couple of days finding someone to fix things.  There's nothing more I can practically do today, so I'll occupy myself doing something else.

    The online things like Checkatrade don't cover this area....when I've tried them, the nearest trades are in Glasgow! About 100 miles away. It's one of the disadvantages of living in a remote area.

    But I still love living here! And I still like my house!!


  • Morning everyone, hope you are all ok, I was treated to a surprise day day out yesterday, and noticed when i got home how few posts on the forum there were, has it been playing up again or have you been busy with other things, nice things. Family dinner on the farm today and taking little brother to airport, hope you all have a good day.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Eddie and anyone else who's up and at em, hope you enjoyed your suprise day out , I couldn't get on here yesterday I tried several times to no avail, I'm tried with the chemo but up for my pills and a couple of small dog walks with Ringo, otherwise nice and lazy, enjoy your and take care


  • Hi Kate, something similar happened to Ellie not so long back luckily she lives in a town.

    It's good to like where you live can't beat Scotland for view's.