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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Haha he's been just and once more later Eddie, hope you're well and give poppy a pat on the head from me, enjoy your day 


  • Thank's Lee I am ok I will run Poppy's belly for you she likes that.


  • Good morning Kate, hope your bloods will be fine. My daughter is coming to pick me up this morning. She is going to look at a new car and after that we go and have lunch. Nothing else planned for the weekend so far. Cosy couple of days will be fine as I am rather tired. Just wish I could sleep better at nights. 
    You all have a good day 


  • Cheers Eddie 


  • Hi Alana

    I've just taken my iron tablet much earlier than usual, in the hope it gets into my system and gives me a good reading! Probably won't make any difference, but it won't do any harm.

    Sorry about the is a pain! Mine hasn't been too bad since the weather cooled down a bit.

    Have a restful weekend!


  • Every One is busy this morning, on the thread, nice one.

  • I was just about to post 'where's Ellie?' and you suddenly appeared!

    Do you think this is ESP? Maybe we have magical powers.....

    Hope you're having a good day Ellie


  • I did post earlier, but it has not appeared, You know what they say, great minds think a like.

    Had nurse in  doing bloods, done washing on line.

    Daughter taking me shopping, though she is at her hospital at this moment.

    Magical not sure, some people say i am a spooky   witch, am i bothered no lol

    Hope you are having a good day so far 

  • I'm actually pottering about on here, putting off starting my floor-washing marathon, which I should have done yesterday....housework isn't my favourite activity, so I have to force myself to do it.

    Had my bloods taken, phone for results next week. 

    That's it! I'm off to fill a bucket and find the scrubbing brush!

    Buy yourself lots of treats Ellie.

  • Hi all, we won't be doing much this weekend, spouse doesn't like crowds, and yesterday we got some bad news, an other friend died of cancer yesterday night, that makes 3 of our male friends that has gone so far this year.

    Any way what ever you are all doing this weekend, I hope you enjoy it.