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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Thanks Kate. I have been round Dumfries & Galloway a few times many years ago and been to a few beaches but none with azalea gardens, Rigg bay is on my list if their is somewhere local to stay. My favourite beach is at Morar  near Mallaig, which i will be going to in 6 weeks all being well, PS It's raining here all day tomorrow, hope it's nicer for you.

    Eddie xx

  • No, it's forecast to pee down all no gardening for me! Housework is likely instead. Ugh!

  • Uppetywiz!! Morning all!, dog walked in the rain breakfast had and now the trip to the hospital for a long day , enjoy you're day all and take care 


  • Morning Lee and best wishes for today, 


  • Cheers Eddie, hope you and poppy can dodge the rain and have a good day 


  • Hi Lee NO rain dodging today It's in for the day, I will have to put Poppy's lead on or she won't go out, take care.


  • It's not raining here yet, so taking Candy out then resting for most of today. yesterday's gardening has done me in!

  • Morning Kate, started raining her 8pm yesterday and here till tomorrow, luckily no appointments today, I have greenhouses on allotment so will plant some tomato's, peppers and cucumbers with a little help from my eldest. Kate we should know at our age how much we can do, and when to stop, but I'm like you still think I can do what I did 5 years ago and pay for it after. Hope the gardening was worth the pain, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Good Morning, or is it, rained all day yesterday, and still raining, ,  and grey looking.

    Sun please put your hat back on.

    I know a couple of people have appointment today, hope every thing goes really well, for you.

    Made my first phone call, horary, phone line was down all day, though came back last night around 10pm.

    Right Breakfast for me, 

  • Morning Ellie been raining for 15 hours and forecast to be here till tomorrow, wonderful, Still waiting for scan results as well, though my GP has just sent a text for my to pop in this morning, being referred to renal and respiratory and need my day hospice notes updating, maybe she will have my scan results too. take care.
