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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Hi Kate I wasn't at the front of the queue for anything, i see a lot of myself in you and your attitude ,I am as open as anyone could be and like to get straight to the point. I was told when i got my diagnosis, I never asked. that i was terminal, though I would have wanted to know anyway, and having lived with a terminal condition most of my life which could and probably should have killed me many times, the cancer diagnosis was no shock to the system for me, I  knew straight away that because my heart problems would rule out surgery and chemo their 5 year prognosis was unlikely, But i carry on, try to enjoy my time and do the things i love, maybe being from Yorkshire makes us that way. good luck with your gardening project, PS Poppy likes her belly rubbing, best wishes to you and Candy.


  • Morning to you All

    Bright here, though a little fresh.

    Dusted, and dinner prepared, was up early, waiting, for the nurse.

    Then tonight, Covid Jab, my life is so exciting, though a small price to pay, i suppose.

    Any one with any appointments, hope they go well.

    If you have anything planned, good for you.

    Enjoy the Day 

  • Hi Eddiel

    yes, being from Yorkshire probably has something to do with it! 

    Candy has just come back from her run in the forest, so now we're chilling indoors. She likes her tummy rubbing too....don't we all?!


  • Good morning Eddie,

    when all my test results had come back and I had my consultation with my Oncologist, they told me there and then  it was terminal. I had made it clear to my medical team that I would like to have the honest truth and no sugar coated answers. It might be a bit rough on the system but that’s the way I prefer to told. Cancer is one of the most horrendous disease to deal with at the best of times. I also made it perfectly clear that I would like to be told, when my conveyor belt of life is coming to its endIt does not mean that I am not positive in fighting back as long as I can, but when all is said and done I like to be honest with myself and have the time to get things shipshape before I journey to the Happy Hunting Ground. The thing I found most difficult was in finding a song to be played. I am not religious so a hymn would be a bit hypocritical. Thankfully I came across a song by Brad Paisley called When I get where I am going. I wanted to have Prop me up beside the juke box when I die, but my children collectively looked at me in such horror, that I decided maybe not.  Smirk

    Hope you all have a good day  Love Alana xx

  • Hi Alana. Now you have sorted the end details which alot of us on the incurables have, you can get on with the rest of your life and  know you've everything in place.  We've bought a cremation plot,Tada've bought the urn I want, bright red put money away for a stone. Told my girls I want Simply The Best by Tina Turner. People must wear Red. Then have a party. They think that's our mum !!!! Loves a party Tada.


  • Oh what a morning,  Ray wouldn't listen to me, ! Said I think I'm always right. But this time I am, he's been scared and money has gone out of his bank, so he's now on the phone with the bank and seeing what they can do for him......... No I have not said  "I told you so ".


  • Hope you get it sorted, enjoy your Caribbean cruise Moi lol.

    Funny i was always right, must be in our genes lol

  • Hi Ellie  and Kate. I had surgery, 12 month later incurable, palliative care which is immunotherapy  still on it still stable. Yes I'm stubborn as a mule and that has kept me going, have upset people most of my life with saying what I'm  thinking, the best friend you could have and a bitch as an  enemy. I always support the under dog, treated my care clients like family. Anyway all have a good day xx


  • Good job the savings is in my savings account, pew, I'll be going on the cruise on my own lol Laughing Laughing. God I need a wine or 6.  All I'll say is "MEN"...........


  • Well all I can say is I'm very happy with being a man, lord and master of my life.